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As laid out in Data Access Types /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2014904611, sharing settings and conditions for use are extra layers of protection that you can add to your data to determine who has access to it, and what they can do with it.


When it comes to a project, there are two main options for sharing settings: public or private. The private sharing setting limits access to only specified users and teams. By default, all new Synapse projects are set to private, and you can manually add collaborators and/or allowed users as needed. You can then specify individual permissions for any of these private users. If you set your project to public, you can also specify permissions for any registered Synapse user, as well as to allow anyone on the web to view an item (more on permissions below).

To view and modify sharing settings on a project, go to that project and click Project Settings in the top right corner, and select Project Sharing Settings from the resulting dropdown menu.


In the Project Sharing Settings window, you can add individuals or groups by entering a username and then selecting the appropriate level of permissions from the dropdown menu. You can manage permissions for a group of users at once by first adding these users to a team. If certain individuals require unique permissions, consider creating multiple teams or sharing the item directly with the individuals that require unique permissions.

(plus) Learn more about this: Managing Data Access With Teams /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2030502408

At the bottom of the sharing settings pop-up window, you have the option to make the project public using the Make Public button.


View permissions give you the ability to see that something in Synapse exists (like the name of a project, file, folder, or table). You can discover the item using Synapse search, and it will be visible to you if included in a table or a file view /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2011038095 or a /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2011070739. If there are annotations associated with it, you can see these as well, however you cannot see the table or file contents. For example, if you have view permissions on a file, you will be able to see the file name and associated annotations, but you will not be able to see a preview of the file or download it.


Edit permissions allow a Synapse user to make changes to something in Synapse. This permission level also allows you to upload data to a folder or project where you are not an administrator (although you must be a certified user /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2007072795 to do so). A user with edit permissions can:

Someone with edit permissions cannot delete something that is shared with them. Edit permissions are cumulative with view and download permissions.


Conditions for use are put in place to define/restrict how users who have permission to download data may use it. These conditions are placed on controlled access data. Conditions for use may include IRB approval or other restrictions that you define as the data contributor.


To upload any data to Synapse, you must become a certified user /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2007072795 first. Once you complete the steps to becoming certified, you can upload your data and add conditions for use to limit how your data will be used by others. If you would like to set conditions for use for an entire project, please contact the Synapse Access and Compliance Team (ACT) at for assistance.


To set conditions for use for folders, files, and tables in Synapse, navigate to the item and click the Add Conditions for Use link button.


The resulting pop-up window will ask you if the data is sensitive human data that must be protected. If you answer yes, the ACT will reach out to you to assist in setting the appropriate conditions for use. If you answer no, but still feel that your data requires conditions for use, contact the ACT to discuss your needs ( Note that once you click the Add Conditions for Use button, your data will no longer be accessible to others until conditions for use have been established with the ACT.


To access data with conditions for use (controlled access data), you must be a registered or certified user /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2007072795, and you must fulfill the conditions for use set by the data contributor. Navigate to the file, folder, or table, then look for the yellow access symbol. Click Request Access to open a dialog box with directions to meet the conditions for use. In many cases, you must read and electronically agree to data-specific terms. Occasionally, access to controlled data requires additional steps, like having your analysis plan approved by an ethics board or IRB.


Sharing a Synapse account or sharing controlled access data with other collaborators violates the Synapse Terms of Use /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2004255211. Each user wishing to access controlled data must individually agree to the Conditions for Use. Even if your collaborators have access to the same controlled data, be mindful when sharing information. Do not send data or metadata via email.
