encapsulates logic to create a Synapse table with the given columns, principal ID (table owner), and data access team ID (permissions to view table). This is a common pattern found in all tables created by Bridge-EX. This is used by SynapseExportHandler and its children as well as the SynapseStatusTableHelper.
(synapse) SynapseStatusTableHelper - At the end of every request, the Worker Manager will invoke the SynapseStatusTableHelper to write a row to the status table of each study. This is intended for use by automated systems to determine when the Exporter has finished running for the night. Currently, the status row contains only today's date. The SynapseStatusTableHelper also creates the status table if it doesn't yet exist, offloading the logic to SynapseHelper.
(synapse) SynapseTableIterator - Currently defunct. This is an iterator to iterate through Synapse table rows individually. It used to be used by various helper scripts but is currently unused.
(util) BridgeExporterUtil - Static helper functions for Bridge-EX. Contains methods to build a schema key from a health data record DDB item and methods to extract values from DDB items and JSON objects and sanitize them (including stripping HTML, stripping newlines and tabs, and truncating strings to fit maximum length restrictions).
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