externalId - External ID defined and set by the apps. This field is app-specific and may not be filled out in each table.
dataGroups - Comma-separated list of data groups. Can be used for tagging test users or study subpopulations. See Researcher UI for more details.
uploadDate - Calendar date this data was uploaded to Synapse (using Pacific Local Time), in YYYY-MM-DD format.
phoneInfo - Phone info, example: "iPhone 5s (GSM)" (NOTE: This data is ResearchKit-specific and may or may not apply to non-ResearchKit uploads. Additionally, this data is self-reported by the apps.)
appVersion Table
This is an aggregated table with phone and app info for all tables. It includes the following fields:
recordId - Record ID that this entry was generated from.
healthCode - same as Common Fields
externalId - same as Common Fields
uploadDate - same as Common Fields
originalTable - The table (named appVersion for legacy reasons) is an aggregate of all data collected so far, used for querying study-wide stats. It contains all the common fields as described above, as well as the "originalTable" field, which refers to the table containing the original record.
appVersion - same as Common Fields
phoneInfo - same as Common Fields
TODO: Not yet implemented