- The ability to select templates (like the email address verification email) by criteria such as the user's language, or the version of the app;
- The ability to clearly specify the template that should be used if the criteria filtering is ambiguous (defaults, or published versions)unlike app configurations where we just take the first one);
- The ability to audit changes to templates (revisions like the study consents, should be immutable)which create immutable revisions... just record who created the revision);
- The possibility of creating custom messages templates that can be scheduled or sent via the topic notification system, rather than having to create them each time or store them somewhere elseused with scheduling or notifications (right now, you have to manage these outside the system and can't schedule anything);
- The ability to add additional documents easily (the one privacy document has long considered would be the privacy document which is been considered, because it's required to submit an app to the App Store);
- Should be able to incorporate the existing templates and probably the study consents as welldefinitely replace the templates on the study object; could conceivably replace the study consent documents;
Not Requirements
- Document inclusions or attachments (e.g. images for HTML documents... unless we really want this)
- Variable resolution (that's part of using the template);
- Publishing documents (e.g. the publicly available versions of the consents). However we'd need something like this for the privacy document
Document Model
You can now add any number of templates for a specific type of template, differentiated by their guids, and selectable using Criteria.