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public interface DatabaseObject<T> {
* Get the database Mapping for this object.
* @return
public TableMapping<T> getTableMapping();
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public interface TableMapping<T> extends RowMapper<T> { /** * The name of the database table. * @return */ public String getTableName(); /** * The name of the DDL file that defines this table. * @return */ public String getDDLFileName(); /** * Maps field names to column names. * @return */ public FieldColumn[] getFieldColumns(); /** * The class for <T> * @return */ public Class<? extends T> getDBOClass(); } |
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public class DBONodeType {
private Short id;
private String name;
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public class DBONodeType implements DatabaseObject<DBONodeType> { private static FieldColumn[] FIELDS = new FieldColumn[]{ new FieldColumn("id", "ID", true), new FieldColumn("name", "NAME"), }; @Override public TableMapping<DBONodeType> getTableMapping() { return new TableMapping<DBONodeType>(){ // Map a result set to this object @Override public DBONodeType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { DBONodeType result = new DBONodeType(); result.setId(rs.getShort("ID")); result.setName(rs.getString("NAME")); return result; } @Override public String getTableName() { return "NODE_TYPE"; } @Override public String getDDLFileName() { return "schema/NodeType-ddl.sql"; } @Override public FieldColumn[] getFieldColumns() { return FIELDS; } @Override public Class<? extends DBONodeType> getDBOClass() { return DBONodeType.class; }} ; } private Short id; private String name; public Short getId() { return id; } public void setId(Short id) { this.id = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } } |
Once we have defined our database POJO the last thing we need to do is register the DBONodeType class with the DBOBasicDao . Registration is necessary because the DBOBasicDao must create any table that does not exist and it needs to auto-generate all CRUD SQL used for instances of our new class DBONodeType. We register the DBONodeType class by adding an instance of it to the DBOBasicDaoImpl bean file 'dbo-beans.spb.xml':
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<bean id="dboBasicDao" class="org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.dbo.DBOBasicDaoImpl">
<property name="databaseObjectRegister">
<bean class="org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.dbo.persistence.DBONodeType" />
The We are now ready to start testing our new database object:
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@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath:jdomodels-test-context.xml" })
public class DBONodeTypeTest {
DBOBasicDao dboBasicDao;
private short id = 1000;
public void after() throws DatastoreException{
if(dboBasicDao != null){
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
params.addValue("id", id);
dboBasicDao.deleteObjectById(DBONodeType.class, params);
public void testCRUD() throws Exception{
// Create a new type
DBONodeType nodeType = new DBONodeType();
// Create it
DBONodeType clone = dboBasicDao.createNew(nodeType);
assertEquals(nodeType, clone);
// Fetch it
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
params.addValue("id", id);
clone = dboBasicDao.getObjectById(DBONodeType.class, params);
assertEquals(nodeType.getId(), clone.getId());
assertEquals(nodeType.getName(), clone.getName());
// Delete it
boolean result = dboBasicDao.deleteObjectById(DBONodeType.class, params);
assertTrue("Failed to delete the type created", result);