You should not be deploying anything you built yourself on your local machine. Only deploy build artifacts generated by Bamboo and stored in Artifactory as the result of a clean build. See Branching and Tagging for information about managing the build, branch, and tag process. You For a full upgrade you will need 3 .war files out of artifactory for a deployment: services-repository-<version>.war, services-authentication-<version>.war, and portal-<version>.war. Each must go into its own Beanstalk environment.
The specific steps are:
- log in to: http://sagebionetworks.artifactoryonline.com/
- Go to the Artifacts tab
- For a snapshot build go to: libs-snapshots-local > org > sagebionetworks > [project] > [version]- SNAPSHOT > [project]-[version]-SNAPSHOT.war
- For a released version go to: libs-releases-local > org > sagebionetworks > [project] > [version] > [project]-[version].war
- Click download
- Now log into the AWS console
- click on the "Elastic Beanstalk" tab
- Select the 'stack' (Synapse or Synapse-Staging) Note that you will have to upload the .war file into each stack, or what Beanstalk calls an "Application"
- From here, you can either just upload the wars as new versions without deploying if you are going to build new environments, or upload and deploy in one step if your environments already exist.
- To update an environment in place
- A number of "Environments" will be listed. Click on "Environment Details" for the environment of interest.
- Click on "Deploy a different version."
- Click the radio button "Upload and deploy a new version"
- To label the version, follow the naming convention given here: http://sagebionetworks.jira.com/wiki/display/PLFM/Branching+and+Tagging
- Upload the .war file that you downloaded from Artifactory.
- Your new .war file will now be deployed to Elastic Beanstalk.
- Repeat for additional war(s) that need upgrades, then skip ahead to verification
- Alternately, if you are going to build new environments, you can just upload the wars and label the new versions for later use.
Create or Configure MySQL RDS Service (Skip this section if using existing Environments.)
See R Package Builds|wiki/display/PLFM/R+Package+Builds|\ for details of how to do this. You might ask Nicole to do this with you if you are new to it.