Note that all Synapse resources should be created in US East, as Beanstalk is not yet available everywhere.
Table of Contents |
Crowd (skip if using existing crowd deployment)
If necessary, the instructions are here:
Restarting Crowd
If the server goes down:
To check if Crowd is up, in web browser go to
You should see Crowd log-in page. If not then ssh in to crowd.sagebase.org as ec2-user, using the standard key for 'platform' owned ec2 instances, PlatformKeyPairEast
At the unix prompt:
ps -efwww | grep java
Should show one java process, if not
cd /usr/local/atlassian-crowd-2.2.7/
Now verify that the log-in page appears in your web browser.
If crowd is running and you feel the need to 'bounce' the server, make sure to stop crowd before running "start_crowd.sh". To do this, run
from /usr/local/atlasssian-crowd-2.2.7/. Use the aforementioned "ps -ef..." command to make sure no Crowd java process is running. If necessary, 'kill' lingering instances before running "start_crowd.sh". It's important not to have multiple instances of the java process runnning.
The above instructions apply to 'crowd-dev.sagebase.org' as well as 'crowd.sagebase.org'.
Get the built artifacts from Artifactory
See Synapse Database Setup|wiki/display/PLFM/Synapse+Database+Setup+and+Configuration|||\ for details on how to create a new schema for a new stack or instance. The staging and production stacks use Amazon's RDS service. Currently, both stacks use different databases in the same RDS instance. The same RDS service also holds the ID Generator db, as well as data for Crowd.
TODO: Add queries and expected counts returned.
Crowd (skip if using existing crowd deployment)
In most cases you should be re-using existing Crowd instances. We currently have two crowd servers running:
prod: https://dev-crowd.sagebase.org:8443/crowd/console
staging + test (shared): https://prod-crowd.sagebase.org:8443/crowd/console
If setting up a new Crowd server see: Setting Up Production Crowd
If you just need to point a stack at a particular crowd instance, you do this by setting the org.sagebionetworks.crowd.endpoint in the stack.properties file (URLs as above minus the /crowd/console bit)
Restarting Crowd
If the server goes down:
To check if Crowd is up, in web browser go to the appropriate URL as defined above.
You should see Crowd log-in page. If not then ssh in to xxx-crowd.sagebase.org as ec2-user, using the standard key for 'platform' owned ec2 instances, PlatformKeyPairEast
At the unix prompt:
ps -efwww | grep java
Should show one java process, if not
cd /usr/local/atlassian-crowd-2.2.7/
Now verify that the log-in page appears in your web browser.
If crowd is running and you feel the need to 'bounce' the server, make sure to stop crowd before running "start_crowd.sh". To do this, run
from /usr/local/atlasssian-crowd-2.2.7/. Use the aforementioned "ps -ef..." command to make sure no Crowd java process is running. If necessary, 'kill' lingering instances before running "start_crowd.sh". It's important not to have multiple instances of the java process runnning.