- log in to: http://sagebionetworks.artifactoryonline.com/
- Go to the Artifacts tab
- Go to: libs-snapshots-local > org > sagebionetworks > [project] > [version]- SNAPSHOT > [project]-[version]-SNAPSHOT.war
- Click download
- Now log into the AWS console
- click on the "Elastic Beanstalk" tab
- Select the 'stack' (Synapse or Synapse-Staging)
- A number of "Environments" will be listed. Click on "Environment Details" for the environment of interest.
- Click on "Deploy a different version."
- Click the radio button "Upload and deploy a new version"The naming convention
- is [project]- [version].[n+1] where the latest deployed version is [project]-[version].[n]To name the .war, follow the naming convention given here: http://sagebionetworks.jira.com/wiki/display/PLFM/Branching+and+Tagging
- Upload the .war file that you downloaded from Artifactory.
- Your new .war file will now be deployed to Elastic Beanstalk.