Create or Configure MySQL RDS Service
If necessary, See Synapse Database Setup for details on how to create a new schema in the AWS RDS, e.g. using MySQL Workbench.
The schema name, for example, might be 'prodRepositoryDb'
Note that we have two different database users that we use to give access to RDS to our services tier: beans-staging for the staging stack and beans-production for the alpha/production stack. If you create a new schema you must grant all permissions except GRANT_OPTIONS on the new schema to the appropriate user. Please do not give the platform/root db user to the service tier, it is for admin use only.
Note that all stacks share access to idGeneratorDB, which is a separate schema used to generate unique IDs within the sagebase.org domain. However, the stack db users should only have INSERT and SELECT access to this schema.
for a new stack or instance. The staging and production stacks use Amazon's RDS service. Currently, both stacks use different databases in the same RDS instance. The same RDS service also holds the ID Generator db, as well as data for Crowd.
Configure Environments
The configuration of all environments for all Synapse components should be the same, with the exception that we leave port 80 on the web app load balancer open and closed everywhere else.
Code Block |
# Make sure you have the latest version
svn up
# Execute the loader
# Replace <repo_instance> and <auth_instance> by the repository and authentication instances.
# Either make sure that <platform_admin_email> is a Synapse administrator on crowd, or replace it by a Synapse administrator account
python datasetCsvLoader.py -e http://<repo_instance>/repo/v1
-a http://<auth_instance>/auth/v1 -u <platform_admin_email> -p <platform_admin_pw>