The schema name, for example, might be 'prodRepositoryDb'
Configure Environments
The configuration of all environments for all Synapse components should be the same, with the exception that we leave port 80 on the web app load balancer open and closed everywhere else.
Configure Load Balancer
Click on 'edit configuration' in the Beanstalk UI.
Click on 'Load Balancer' tab
For 'HTTP Listener port' choose 'OFF' for the repo and auth services, choose '80' for the portal.
For 'HTTPS Listener port' choose '443'.
For 'SSL Cert' choose arn:aws:iam::325565585839:server-certificate/SynapseCert
Configure Notifications
Click on 'Notifications' tab
Set Email Address to 'platform@sagebase.org'
Configure Container
Click on 'container.' In the JVM Command Line Options
For a production deployment:
-Dorg.sagebionetworks.stack=alpha -Dorg.sagebionetworks.stackEncryptionKey=<<encryption key>>
where <<encryption key>> is found on our unix system in
For a non-production deployment:
-DACCEPT_ALL_CERTS=true -Dorg.sagebionetworks.stack=staging -Dorg.sagebionetworks.stackEncryptionKey=<<encryption key>>
For 'HTTPS Listener port' choose '443'.
For 'SSL Cert' choose arn:aws:iam::325565585839:server-certificate/SynapseCert
Click on 'container' and enter the following:
all deployments:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID : <<the appropriate key ID>>= <<aws access key id>>
AWS_SECRET_KEY : <<the appropriate = <<aws secret key>> JDBC_CONNECTION_STRING: jdbc:mysql://repo.c5sxx7pot9i8.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com/prodRepositoryDb
where 'prodRepositoryDb' is replaced by the schema name chosen above.
PARAM1: <<user in the DB schema>>
PARAM2: <<user password>>
Click on 'container.' In the JVM Command Line Options, put
-Dorg.sagebionetworks.stack=alpha -Dorg.sagebionetworks.stackEncryptionKey=<<encryption key>>PARAM1 = <<url to .properties file in S3>>
PARAM2 = <<encryption key>>
This is the minimum information needed to bootstrap our system with the information needed to load a configuration via a .properties file. Here, the actual .properties file mu
where <<encryption key>> is found on our unix system in
For a non-production deployment:
-DACCEPT_ALL_CERTS=true -Dorg.sagebionetworks.stack=staging -Dorg.sagebionetworks.stackEncryptionKey=<<encryption key>>
For the Synapse Web Application:
For 'HTTPS Listener port' choose '443'.
For 'SSL Cert' choose arn:aws:iam::325565585839:server-certificate/SynapseCert
Set up Crowd
If necessary, the instructions are here: