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URIMethodRequest ParametersRequest BodyResponse BodyAuthorizationNotes
/challengePOST--ChallengeChallengeCREATE permission required in referenced project 
/challenge/{id}GET----ChallengeREAD permission required in referenced project 
/entity/{projectId}/challengeGET----ChallengeREAD permission required in project 
/challengeGETparticipantId--PaginatedList<EntityHeader>PUBLIC, but to be included in the results the caller must have READ access to the project.returns the projects/challenges for which 'participantId' is registered.
/challenge/{id}PUT--Challenge--UPDATE permission required in referenced project 
/challenge/{id}DELETE------DELETE permission required in referenced project 
/challenge/{id}/challengeTeamPOST--ChallengeTeamChallengeTeamMust be a member of the Participant Team and be an admin on the referenced Challenge Team. 
/evaluation/{id}/challengeTeamPOST--ChallengeTeamChallengeTeamMust be a member of the Participant Team and be an admin on the referenced Challenge Team.The service 'looks up' the Challenge associated with the given evaluation and then associates the Team with that challenge.  Does nothing if there is no Challenge or if the Team is already registered.
/challenge/{id}/challengeTeam/{challTeamId}GET----ChallengeTeamMust have READ permission in the Challenge Project. 
/challenge/{id}/challengeTeamGETlimit, offset--PaginatedList<ChallengeTeam>Must have READ permission in the Challenge Project. 
/challenge/{id}/challengeTeam/{challTeamId}PUT--ChallengeTeamChallengeTeamMust be a member of the Participant Team and be an admin on the referenced Challenge Team. 
/challenge/{id}/challengeTeam/{challTeamId}DELETE------Must be an admin on the referenced Challenge Team. 
/evaluation/submissionPOSTetag, teamId, teamStateHashSubmissionSubmissionMust have SUBMIT permission in the Evaluation referenced in the Submission.If teamId is included then a TeamState object is created for the Submission.  If 'contributer' list is not empty then teamId is required and Submission is rejected if submitter or any specified contributers is not on the given team.  If teamStateHash is included then teamId must also be included and submission will be rejected if computed TeamState does not match hash.  Notifications sent to all contributers except for submitter, with instructions for opting out.
/evaluation/submission/{id}/optOutPUTuserId----userId must be the one making the request.Sets 'optOut' field for given userId in the Submission.  userId must be a contributer in the Submission (not the submitter himself) and Submission must not be in one of the Evaluation's 'optOutDisallowed' states.
/evaluation/{evaluationId}/teamState/{teamId}GET----TeamStateuser making the request must have SUBMIT permission in the Evaluation and must be eligible to submit on behalf of the specified Team. 


GETisAdmin--TeamMemberPUBLICAdd 'isAdmin' query parameter to the existing query to get the teams a user is on.