Versions Compared


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* I wasn't able to submit, but I had yet submitted so I wasn't over quota.



Entity Relationship Diagram

Note:  For simplicity we leave out existing fields of legacy objects, Project, Team and Evaluation, and Submission.




Data Transfer Objects

Class NameFields


- Submission bundle includes opt-out list, Eligible Submitters (in addition to Submission and SubmissionStatus)


- Note:  It's worth exposing the Challenge ID, not 'hiding it' in the Project.  This is so we can relate it to EligibleSubmitters and to tell if a Project is also a Challenge.TeamState.


URIMethodRequest BodyResponse BodyAuthorization
/entity/{id}/challengePOSTChallengeChallengeCREATE permission required in parent project
/entity/{id}/challengeGET--ChallengeREAD permission required in parent project
/entity/{id}/challengePUTChallenge--UPDATE permission required in parent project
/entity/{id}/challengeDELETE----DELETE permission required in parent project