- Go to an up-to-date local distribution of trunk.
- From the trunk distribution use the 'avail' command (above) to find the branch of interest.
- Use the following command to find the revision(s) of interest:
Code Block python svnmerge.py avail -S <your branch>
- Import the changes from the branch into trunk:
- For all changes
Code Block python svnmerge.py merge -S <your branch>
- For particular changes
Code Block python svnmerge.py merge -r <your revisions comma separated> -S <your branch>
- For all changes
- Resolve conflicts, compile, test and commit.
Elastic Bamboo
We currently have MySQL running on our Elastic Bamboo host for the purposes of integration testing. This is accomplished by the customise-extras.sh shell script which is run at boot time for the hosts.