URI | Request Method | Request Param's | Request Body | Response Body | Description | Authority | ||||||
/userPrecursor | POST | email, fname, lname, invitation message | ID, token | Create a user precursor for the given email address. Sends email to invited user. 400 response if email has been used before. | authenticated users | |||||||
/userPrecursor | GET | limit, offset | PaginatedResults of precursor | Returns all precursors created by the user. (Ordered by creation time stamp?) | Precursor creator. | |||||||
/userPrecursor/{id} | GET | -- | -- | ID, token, principalID (or null), email, fname, lname | Precursor creator. | |||||||
/userPrecursor/{id}PUT | -- | -- | Update existing user precursor. | Precursor creator. | /userPrecursor/{id} | DELETE | -- | -- | -- | Delete user precursor. | Precursor creator. | |
/userPrecursor/{id}/access/entity | POST | -- | entity ID, access type | ? | Adds the given access type to the given entity to the given precursor. | Precursor User must have sharing rights to the entity AND be the precursor creator. | ||||||
/userPrecursor/{id}/access/entity/{entityId} | DELETE | -- | -- | -- | Remove all access to the given entity for the given precursor. | Precursor User must have sharing rights to the entity AND be the precursor creator. | ||||||
/membershipInvitation | POST | -- | MembershipInvtnSubmission | MembershipInvtnSubmission | Create a membership invitation for a precursor. | User must be Team admin AND be the precursor creator. |