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Correlation between BCR batch and the processing batch for 27k arrays (January 20, 2012)

Wiki Markup
{csv}Batch on the download page,"# after ""HumanMethylation27k"" in the file name, Level 2 data",Batch as the sixth field in the patient barcode,Comments
Batch 25,1,"0741, 0742, 0743","Level 1 data is uploaded again as .idat files split into green and red probes, I can't figure out how to get batch from the file names. Now, however, they provide slide number and the array letter!"{csv}

Analysis of batch vs clinical traits


There is only one center from which all patients come from. 
Significant trait - batch correlations (all other correlations can be found in a table here)
Wiki Markup{csv}"LAML_clinical_traits","DataType","NumberOfNAs","Test","Pvalue" "days_to_form_completion","integer",2,"Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test",1.22E-26 "year_of_initial_pathologic_diagnosis","integer",2,"Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test",2.53E-26 "days_to_death","integer",82,"Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test",3.94E-04 "prior_diagnosis","factor",2,"Pearson's Chi-squared test",1.63E-03 "vital_status","factor",2,"Pearson's Chi-squared test",5.25E-03 "age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis","integer",2,"Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test",1.66E-02 "days_to_birth","integer",2,"Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test",1.90E-02 "hydroxyurea_administration_prior_registration_clinical_study_indicator","factor",2,"Pearson's Chi-squared test",3.05E-02 "pretreatment_history","factor",2,"Pearson's Chi-squared test",3.05E-02 {csv}

Survival analysis
Code Block
> death<-clinical[,4]
> vital<-clinical[,22]
> fup<-clinical[,7]
> x<-cbind(vital,death,fup)
> rownames(x)<-rownames(clinical)
> dim(x[[, 2]) &[, 3]), ])
[1] 14  3
> mask <-[, 2]) &[, 3]) #Exclude patients for whom there is no information for days to death or days to the last follow-up, total of 14 patients
> x1 <- x[!mask, ]
> dim(x1)
[1] 188   3
> status <- rep(1, 188) #create censoring indicator
> status[which([, 2]))] <- 0
> x1[[, 2]), 2] <- x1[which([, 2]), 2), 3] #Patients that don't have days to death get days to the last follow-up and status is 0
> x2 <- cbind(x1, status)
> k<-match(rownames(x2),meth[,1])
> methK<-meth[k,]
> library(survival)
Loading required package: splines
> surv <- Surv(as.numeric(x2[, 2]), as.numeric(x2[, 4])) #Create survival object
> plot(survfit(surv ~ 1), xlab = "days to death", ylab = "Probability", main = "Kaplan-Meier survival curve \n for TCGA AML (188 patients)")
> plot(survfit(surv ~ methK[, 2]), xlab = "days to death", ylab = "Probability", col = 1:3, main = "TCGA AML survival correlation with batch")
> legend(2000, 0.6, levels(as.factor(methK[, 2])), text.col = 1:3)
> summary(coxph(surv ~ methK[, 2]))
coxph(formula = surv ~ methK[, 2])

  n= 182, number of events= 116
   (6 observations deleted due to missingness)

                  coef exp(coef) se(coef)      z Pr(>|z|)
methK[, 2]0742 -0.2311    0.7937   0.2139 -1.080 0.279990
methK[, 2]0743  1.1784    3.2492   0.3541  3.328 0.000874 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

               exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
methK[, 2]0742    0.7937     1.2599    0.5219     1.207
methK[, 2]0743    3.2492     0.3078    1.6233     6.504

Concordance= 0.563  (se = 0.026 )
Rsquare= 0.06   (max possible= 0.997 )
Likelihood ratio test= 11.17  on 2 df,   p=0.003754
Wald test            = 14.35  on 2 df,   p=0.0007656
Score (logrank) test = 16.2  on 2 df,   p=0.0003037
