Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. get the gist of what I'm trying to do or let me know if its confusing (because I haven't done a decent job if the code change is confusing)
  2. let me know whether the approach I've taken seems reasonable or if there is a better way to do it
  3. give me a clue if the way I am testing it is missing major important cases
  4. point out any dependencies of which I might be unaware (e.g., if I change the REST API in a particular way, who might that change impactand is that okay?)


Driving considerations

  • Cost of a meeting is #min * #num people… adds up fast
  • But… more efficient than N*(N-1) individual meetings
  • Goal: minimize meeting time, but give us set times when we know we can address full team
  • 2nd Goal: Give us check-in periods smaller than a sprint to help us plan realistically

Meeting Schedule 

  • Stand-up status meetings
    • M, W 11:45 --In hallway / my office if phone needed
    • Three questions:
      • What have you done since last meeting?
      • What are you going to do before next meeting?
      • What are you stuck / blocked on?
    • Identify issues and mechanism to solve them, DO NOT solve issues (unless can be done in ~3 min).
    • I will time the meeting… am serious about the 15 min.
  • Friday demo meeting
    • 4:30, 30 mins
    • Same general format, but a bit more time to actually demo progress
    • Will time meeting, serious about sending you home for the weekend by 5
  • Design / Code review meetings
    • Engineers continue to call as needed
    • Try to stack up (M,W?) to leave some long blocks of coding time