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CommandcommentsR SyntaxPython SyntaxCommand Line Syntax
1 – Common functions
Create a Synapse file handle in memory, specifying the path to the file in the local file system, the name in Synapse, and the Folder in Synapse.  This step 'stages' a file to be sent to Synapse. Additional parameters (...) are interpreted as properties or annotations, in the manner of synSet(), defined below.  If 'synapseStore' is TRUE then file is uploaded to S3, else only the file location is saved.

The specified file doesn't move or get copied.

File(path, synapseStore=T, parentId, ...)



File(path="/path/to/file", parentId="syn101")

File(path="/path/to/file", synapseStore=T, parentId="syn101", **kwargs)NA
Create a Synapse file handle in memory which will be a serialized version of an in-memory object.  Additional parameters (...) are interpreted as properties or annotations, in the manner of synSet(), defined below. If 'synapseStore' is TRUE then file is uploaded to S3, else only the file location is saved.

The object is not serialized at this time. 

(We are hoping people will like calling the object a File, even though it takes an in-memory object as a parameter.)

File(obj, synapseStore=T, parentId, ...)



File(obj=dataObject, parentId="syn101")

Will not be implemented in python.NA
Create a Synapse Record in memory, specifying the name and the Folder in Synapse.  This step 'stages' a Record to be sent to Synapse. 

Additional parameters (...) are interpreted as properties or annotations, in the manner of synSet(), defined below.


Files aren't moved or copied.

TODO:  How do you specify file annotations (as distinct from Strings)?  Shall we introduce in-memory wrappers around files and urls to help distinguish them?

Record(name=NULL, parentId="syn101", ...)

Record(name="foo", parentId="syn101")

Record(name="foo", parentId="syn101", **kwargs) 
Create a Folder or Project in memory. Name and parentId are optional. 

Folder(name=NULL, parentId=NULL, ...)

Project(name=NULL, ...)

Folder(name="foo", parentId="syn101")

Folder(name="foo", parentId="syn101", **kwargs)

Project(name="foo", **kwargs)

Set an entity's attribute (property or annotation) in memory.  Client first checks properties, then goes to annotations; (setting to NULL deletes it in R, using DEL operator in python deletes it)TODO:  we want to include files and (for R) in memory objectssynAnnot(entity, name)<-valueentity.parentId="syn101"synapse update id --parentId syn101
Gets an entity's attribute value (property or annotation) from the object already in memory. 

synAnnot(entity, name); returns NULL if undefined; throws exception if value is undefined 
Create or update an entity (File, Folder, etc.) in Synapse.  May also specify (1) the list of entities 'used' to generate this one, (2) the list of entities 'executed' to generate this one, (3) the name of the generation activity, and (4) the description of the generation activity, (5) whether a name collision in an attempted 'create' should become an 'update', (6) whether to 'force' a new version to be created, and (7) whether the data is restricted (which will put a download 'lock' on the data and contact the Synapse Access and Compliance team for review.TODO:  Give some examples.

synStore(entity, used, executed, activityName=NULL, activityDescription=NULL, createOrUpdate=T, forceVersion=T, isRestricted=F)



synStore(entity, activity, createOrUpdate=T, forceVersion=T, isRestricted=F), used, executed, activityName=None, activityDescription=None, createOrUpdate=T, forceVersion=T, isRestricted=F), activity, createOrUpdate=T, forceVersion=T, isRestricted=F)

synapse create --name NAME --parentid PARENTID --description DESCRIPTION

--type TYPE

--file PATH




--annotations={foo=bar, bar=foo}

Get an entity (file, folder, etc.) from the Synapse server, with its attributes (properties, annotations) and, optionally, with its associated file(s).  if.collision is one of "keep.both", "keep.local", or "overwrite.local", telling the system what to do if a different file is found at the given local file location.'download' and 'load' are ignored for objects lacking Files.  OK for download=F and load=T, this means don't cache (a valid choice if the File lives on a network share).  If a downloadLocation is not provided a default, read-only cache location is used.  If a downloadLocation IS provided, then the client must handle collisions with existing files.  Note, 'downloadLocation' must be a folder, i.e. it cannot be used to rename files.

synGet(id, version, downloadFile=T, downloadLocation=NULL, ifcollision="keep.both", load=F)

synapse.get(id, version, downloadFile=True, downloadLocation=None, ifcollision="keep.both", load=False)synapse get ID -v NUMBER
Get the directly readable location of the file associated with a file object.For downloaded files, this is the path on the local file system.  For "linked" files (not uploaded into Synapse) that are not downloaded, this is the URL known to Synapse.  For uploaded files which have not been retrieved, returns NULL.getFileLocation(file)TODOTODO
Trash an entity, and all of its children (move all Folders and Files within a Folder to the trash can). synTrash(id) / synTrash(entity)
synapse.trash(id)synapse trash id
Open the web browser to the page for this entity. onWeb(entityId) / onWeb(entity)synapse.onweb(entityId) / synapse.onweb(entity)synapse onweb id
log-inget API key and write to user's properties filesynapseLogin(<user>,<pw>)synapse.login(<user>,<pw>, sessionToken=None)synapse login -u USER -p PASSWORD
log-outdelete API key from properties filesynapseLogout()synapse.logout()synapse logout
2 –Advanced functions
Execute queryTODO:  pagination, e.g. the function returns an iterator. Look at current implementation in R client.synQuery(queryString)synapse.query(queryString)synapse query
we talked about this, but is it needed? synGetEntity()  
we talked about this, but is it needed? synStoreEntity()  
Retrieve the wiki for an entityTODO: Is it a requirement that we retrieve attachments?  If not, do we retrieve file handles? Is this the id of the wiki or the wiki?synGetWiki(id, version) / synGetWiki(entity)

synapse.getWiki(id, version)


  synSetAnnotations()synapse.setAnntotations(entity/entityId, annotations) 
Access properties, throwing exception if property is not defined. synSetProperties()NANA
Access property, throwing exception if property is not defined. synGetProperty()NANA
Access property, throwing exception if property is not defined. Setting to NULL deletes. synSetProperty()NANA
Create an Activity (provenance object) in memory. Activity(name, description, used, executed)Activity(name, description, used, exectuted)NA
Create or update the Activity in Synapse synStoreActivity(activity)
Get the Activity which generated the given entity. synGetActivity(entity) / synGetActivity(entityId)synapse.getActivity(entity/entityId)NA
Set the Activity which generated the given entity synSetActivity(entity)<-activitysynapse.setActivity(entity/entityId, activity)NA
Empty trash can    
Restore from trash can    
Run code, capturing output, code and provenance relationship. synapseExecute(executable, args, resultParentId, codeParentId, resultEntityProperties = NULL,  resultEntityName=NULL, replChar=".")synapse.exceute(executable, args, resultParentId, codeParentId, resultEntityProperties = None,  resultEntityName=None, replChar=".")NA
Create evaluation object Evaluation(name, description, status)Evaluation(name, description, status)NA
Join evaluation addParticipant(evaluation, principalId)evaluation.addParticipant(principalId)NA
Submit for evaluation submit(evaluation, entity)evaluation.submit(entity)/ synapse.submitToEvaluation(entity, evaluation)synapse submitEvaluation
3 – Web API Level functions
Execute GET requestSee details below.synRestGET(endpoint, uri)NA? (already only a line) 
Execute POST requestSee details below.synRestPOST(endpoint, uri, body)NA? 
Execute PUT requestSee details below.synRestPUT(endpoint, uri, body)NA? 
Execute DELETE requestSee details below.synRestDELETE(endpoint, uri)NA? 
