Response (type) | URL | HTTP Type | Request (type) | Description | |
1 | ChunkedFileToken (application/json) | /createChunkedFileUploadToken | POST | CreateChunkedFileTokenRequest (application/json) | Create a ChunkedFileToken. This token must be provided in all subsequent requests. |
2 | URL (text/plain) | /createChunkedFileUploadChunkURL | POST | ChunkRequest (application/json) | Create a pre-signed URL that will be used to PUT a single file chunk. This step is repeated for each chunk. |
3 | ChunkResult (application/json) | /addChunkToFile | POST | ChunkRequest (application/json) | After a chunk is PUT to a pre-signed URL, it must be added to file. You will need the returned ChunkResult to complete the upload. This step is repeated for each chunk. |
4 | S3FileHandle (application/json) | /completeChunkFileUpload | POST | CompleteChunkedFileRequest (application/json) | After all chunks have been added, complete the upload with this call. The resulting S3FileHandle can be used for any object that accepts FileHandles. |
Associating FileHandles with Synapse objects
See: Entities, Files, and Folders Oh My!
Wiki pages
See: Wiki API (Alpha)