What are Organizations? Organizations are objects that enforce Plan limits and encapsulate a collection of projects, storage locations or both.
Users may not desire Organizations (or managed plans as usage of Synapse was previously unrestrained). But once Organizations are deployed, they represent substantial assets that users will want to protect from misuse.
Content: User-contributed files, datasets. (as opposed to Data which is too ambiguous)
Downloader Only - User who does not need a plan - only wishes to browse and access data.
Basic Plan User (aka: Independent Researchers) - User who wants a Basic Plan for publishing content. Each Certified User account has a single Default Organization as part of a Basic Plan.
Multi-Plan User - User who has one Basic Plan, and a member of one or more Self-Managed Plans or DCC Plans.
Legacy Plan User - User who has uploaded content into Synapse previous to the plan rollout date (##/##/2023) or is a member of a Legacy Plan.
Use Cases & Scenarios
Data Contributors
Data Users (Downloaders)
Organization Managers (may or may not be Data Contributors)
System (Synapse)
: Data contributors are those individuals who upload data. They must be Certified (in order to upload) AND must be a member of the organization to create a project, upload data into an Organization.
Data Users (Downloaders): Data users need to have no relationship to an Organization. They can access data from any Organization using the governance and controls that exist today.
Organization Adminstrators
Organization Managers (may or may not be Data Contributors): The Organization Manager(s) are responsible for controlling membership to the organization, setting up the default storage location.
Organization Members:
System (Synapse):
Scenario 1: New user to the system
Dr Fauci is a new cancer researcher with a grant for his new vaccine. He is researching appropriate repositories for his lab’s work. He finds Synapse.org, creates an account and Certifies his account. He now navigates to his Dashboard which lists an empty list of projects. He clicks on “Create New Project” and is offered to name a new Organization and Project. He’s not sure what an Organization is, but assumes its similar to his GitHub experience. Nonetheless, he clicks on the ? link to go to help and reads about Organizations and plans. He names his Organization “CancerOrg123” and his new project, “ProjectCancer1”. He now has a project and an Organization. After several days of use and kicking the tires, he decides that Synapse is his choice for his work, and he wants his research associates, Thing1 and Thing2 to upload data to his project. He goes back to his Synapse Organization page, and chooses “Invite users”, where he invites Thing1, (already a Synapse user) by his user name, and Thing2 (not a Synapse user) by email.
Thing1 and Thing2 create new projects and start uploading data into Dr Fauci’s org. After a few days, he sees that he is close to his 100GB limit of storage, he clicks on the Organizations menu on the left rail of Synapse and is shown his one organization “CancerOrg123” from there, he can view the Organization page, which describes his org as a Basic Plan and includes “Upgrade my Organization” button, which leads to the SYNSD Managed Plan form. He fills out the form to the best of his ability and clicks “Send”. He receives an email response from Sage, forms are flown, signatures are signed and a few days later, “CancerOrg123” is upgraded to a Managed Plan with 500GB and he recieves an email from Ann at Sage offering to help him configure the governance for his data.
As a System, Synapse needs to track a collection of projects and storage locations associated with those projects. (Organizations)
As an Organization Manager, I want to be able to rename my organization.
As an Organization Manager, I want to merge two organizations that I manage into a single organization.
Transfer own
Functional Design
Organization Properties