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Sage offers the following service plans to the scientific community: (1) a free Standard Basic Hosting Plan, (2) a paid-for Self-Managed Plan, and (3) a paid-for Customized customized Data Coordination Plan. The Sage Terms and Conditions of Use apply to each of these plans unless otherwise noted. Additional governance terms may apply.


The Basic Hosting Plan is intended for individual researchers wanting to share small datasets (<100GB) for publication (including creating DOIs) and scientific, educational, and research collaborations. This plan includes self-service project set-up and data hosting with no direct support from Sage Staff. Sage does not guarantee data longevity in the Standard plan. Because of limits in dataset Basic Hosting Plan. Due to content size limits, data longevity guarantees, and the absence of consulting help, we do not recommend this as a response to the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. 

Self-Managed Plan

The Self-Managed Plan expands our Basic Hosting Plan offering by including data longevity guarantees, consultation services for setting up and sharing data according to the F.A.I.R principles, access to consulting hours with our experienced governance team, and tools for managing data access requests.  This is our recommended plan for compliance with the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. 


The Data Coordination Plan offers customized, end-to-end management of data supporting collaborative, multi-institutional research consortia. This plan supplements the services in the Self-Managed Plan with additional customized personalized consulting services, and data curation, harmonization, and validation services. It also includes work to localize data policies and governance controls to your particular country’s requirements, as applicable. Finally, we provide services to create a customized tailored and feature-rich data exploration portal for your coordination center that includes links to sophisticated computational environments. 

Because data coordination projects are typically customized to meet the needs of a particular proposal, they are subject to additional contractual documentation. Please contact us to learn more about how we can help!


Self-Managed and Data Coordination Plans: These plans and certain features of these plans require you to pay fees. All fees are in U.S. Dollars and are non-refundable, unless specified in the Sage Terms of Service or separate agreements.


Sage’s expertise makes it easy to create an NIH Data Management and Sharing plan Plan and budget. To support you, we provide budgeting information in the form of a quote, as well as sample text you can directly use in your plan. More questions? See our FAQ
