Builds are done using Jenkins jobs which run at http://ec2-54-245-172-65.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8080 (this will be updated with a permanent CNAME). There are jobs for (1) building the client from the Github repository, (2) deploying clients to Sage's LRAN (depot.sagebase.org) and (3) for testing versions deployed to the LRAN.
Deployment Steps
(NOTE: Still have to add the step in which we increment the 'latest version' information in versions.synapse.sagebase.org.)
- push to Github
git push origin develop
- go to the Jenkins dashboard (http://georgetown.sagebase.orgec2-54-245-172-65.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8080) and verify that the "rSynapseClient-develop" job completed successfully
- merge from develop to master
git checkout master
git merge develop
- go to the Jenkins dashboard (http://georgetown.sagebase.orgec2-54-245-172-65.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8080) and verify that the "rSynapseClient-master" job completed successfully
- In Jenkins, run deploy-rSynapseClient-master, and verify that it completes successfully