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idThe unique immutable identifier assigned to a wiki page when it is first created.  This is used
etagUsed for concurrency management.  Each time a WikiPage changes the etag will change.
createdByThe ID of the user that created the WikiPage
createdOnThe date when the WikiPage was  first created.
modifiedByThe ID of the user that last modified the wiki page.
modifiedOnThe data when the WikiPage was last modified.
titleThe main tile of the wiki page.
markdownThe main body of the wiki page is represented as markdown.
attachmentFileHandleIdsThe list of FileHandleIds that represent that this WikiPage's attachment files.
parentWikiIdSub-WikiPages are created by setting this to the ID of a parent WikiPage (null for root). Note: This is not the same as the owner of the WikiPage


idThe id of the wiki page.
titleThe title of the wiki page.
parentWikiIdThe ID of the parent wiki (null for root)



URLHTTP typeDescription
/{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wikiPOSTUsed to create a new wiki page and assign it to an owner object.
/{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wikiwikiHeaderTreeGETGet the root wiki page for an entire wiki tree as a list of WikiHeaders. The list is ordered first by parentWikiId and then by title.  This can be used to build a tree representation of wiki hierarchy for a given owner object.
/{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wiki/{wikiId}GETGet a wiki page by its ID.
/{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wiki/{wikiId}PUTUsed to update a wiki
/{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wiki/{wikiId}DELETEUsed to delete a wiki page.


Each wiki page has its own list of file attachments represented as FileHandleIds.  For more information on FileHandles see: File API.

URLHTTP typeDescription{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wiki/{wikiId}/attachmentPOST (HTTP Multipart)Add an attachment file to a wiki using HTTP mutlipart POST.  Notice, the host for this call is a special file dedicated server.{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wiki/{wikiId}/attachment/{fileHandleId}GETAttempt to download the raw file attachment.  Note: This call will result in a HTTP temporary redirect (307), to the real file URL if the caller is authorized to read the owner object.{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wiki/{wikiId}/attachmentPreview/{fileHandleId}GETAttempt to download the preview file that is automatically generated for all FileHandles. Note: This call will result in a HTTP temporary redirect (307), to the real file URL if the caller is authorized to read the owner object.