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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Note: This feature is currently in Alpha and all functionality is not currently support.


Wiki pages are currently not stand-alone objects, rather they are a component of another object such as an Entity, Competition or Evaluation.  Therefore, access to a wiki page is gated by its parent owner object.  For example, if you you  have CREATE permission on an Entity, then you can create an a Wiki page for that entity.  Similarly, if you can EDIT an entity, then you can also edit any wiki page associated with the entity.  This means all REST call for wiki pages involve the owner object.

Note: WikiPages can be nested to created a hierarchy of sub-pages.  However, there can only be one root WikiPage per owner object, and all sub-pages are considered to be owned by the same object.


idThe unique immutable identifier assigned to a wiki page when it is first created.  This is used
etagUsed for concurrency management.  Each time a WikiPage changes the etag will change.
createdByThe ID of the user that created the WikiPage
createdOnThe date when the WikiPage was  first created.
modifiedByThe ID of the user that last modified the wiki page.
modifiedOnThe data when the WikiPage was last modified.
titleThe main tile of the wiki page.
markdownThe main body of the wiki page is represented as markdown.
attachmentFileHandleIdsThe list of FileHandleIds that represent that this WikiPage's attachment files.
parentWikiIdSub-WikiPages are created by setting this to the


ID of a parent WikiPage. Note: This is not the same as the owner of the WikiPage.



URLHTTP typeDescription
/{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wikiPOSTUsed to create a new wiki page and assign it to an owner object.
/{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wiki/{wikiId}GETGet a wiki page.
/{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wiki/{wikiId}PUTUsed to update a wiki
/{ownertObjectType}/{ownerObjectId}/wiki/{wikiId}DELETEUsed to delete a wiki page.