http://deflaux:8095/crowd/console/plugin/secure/saml/samlauth.action Sign-out Page URL: http://deflaux:8095/crowd/console/logoff.action Change Password URL: http://deflaux:8095/crowd/console/user/viewchangepassword.action DSA Key-pair Location: /var/crowd-home/plugin-data/crowd-saml-plugin
- Step 3. Configuring Google Apps to Recognise Crowd
Went to 42stories google app's console: https://www.google.com/a/cpanel/42stories.com/Dashboard
There is no "'single sign-on (SSO)' link."
Switched to sagebionetworks.com, which DOES have a premier version of Google Apps. Followed Atlassian instructions to set up SSO.
Note: To Disable: Go to https://www.google.com/a/cpanel/sagebionetworks.com/SetupSSO, unclick "Enable Single Sign-on", then Save Changes.
Q: What's the cumulative file size on the Sage SSH server?