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NOTE: The Competition services are still under development and are not yet available on Synapse.


URLHTTP TypeDescriptionRequest Parameters
/competition/submissionPOSTCreate a new Submission.
(and corresponding SubmissionStatus object)
userId (String)
/competition/submission/{submissionId}GETGet a Submission 

Get the status of a Submission


Update the status of a Submission.
Requires admin rights on the Competition

userId (String)
/competition/submission/{submissionId}DELETEDelete a Submission.
Requires admin rights on the Competition.
userId (String)

Batch get Submissions for a given Competition (Paginated).
Requires admin rights on the Competition.
Can be filtered by status enum.

userId (String)
SubmissionStatusEnum (String) (optional)
/competition/{compId}/submission/countGETGet the number of Submissions for a given Competition 


  1. Create a Synapse Competition
    1. Fill in details, attach relevant Synapse entities
    2. Specify access requirements
    3. Specify open/close dates
  2. Listen for Submissions (using messaging service)
    1. Download unscored Submissions
    2. Perform scoring
    3. Push scores back to each SubmissionStatus
  3. Track user participation and publish competition status/leaderboard
  4. Award achievements for user participation / success




The following Competition Services features are planned but not yet implemented.

  • Banned user lists
    Banned users should be prohibited from participating in one or more Competitions, and any Submissions by a banned user should be isolated from the general populations of Submissions.
    Jira Legacy
    serverJIRA (

  • Customizable Amazon Simple Notification Services messaging tools
    Competition administrators should have tools to configure a selective Amazon instance to listen for messages pertaining to Competitions which they own. These messages should be sent to a queue dedicated to Competitions.
    Jira Legacy
    serverJIRA (

  • Immutable copies of the submitted Entities
    Once an Entity is submitted to a Competition, a static copy of that Entity should become the property of the Competition administration.
    Jira Legacy
    serverJIRA (

  • Administrator lists for Competitions
    Competitions should support administration by multiple users (rather than just the Competition owner). These admin lists should function as a lightweight ACL of sorts.
    Jira Legacy
    serverJIRA (

  • Multi-author Submissions
    Competitions should support team Submissions, where more than one Synapse user claims authorship of a given Submission.
    Jira Legacy
    serverJIRA (

  • Pagination support for fetching Participants and Submissions
    Currently the API supports fetching all Participants or all Submissions for a given Competition. To support high-volume Competitions, pagination shoudl be supported on these requests.
    Jira Legacy
    serverJIRA (