"Step 0" Connect to Synapse production database
log in to platform aws account
go to S3 bucket called prod-default.sagebase.org / prod-defaults.properties and find:
# This is the password that will be used as the master password of the stack-isntances database.
org.sagebionetworks.stack.instance.db.default.password.plaintext=<datbase password>
Get URL, username for production database:
goto RDS in AWS console and click on "DB instances"
select current instance, e.g. if we are on stack "j" then its' prod-j-db
get the endpoint, e.g. prod-j-db.c5sxx7pot9i8.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
get the Master Username, e.g. prodjuser
open mysql workbench
New Connection
fill in name, hostname (=endpoint from above), user name (=Master Username from above)
click Test Connection
in the pop up window, paste password from properties file above
click "save in keychain"
Click OK twice
double click new connection to start querying
What is MySQL currently doing?