Versions Compared


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This document attempts to cover development and release practices for the synapser projects. As of synapser 1.0.0+, PythonEmbedInR is no longer used.


Table of Contents

Github repositories

The code base for Synapse R client (wrap Python client) can be found at .


  1. Create a new release candidate branch from develop with branch name as the version to release (v1.0-rc)

  2. Update the docs in the release candidate branch:

    1. ensure you have the R pkgdown package installed (on a Mac you may need to brew install harfbuzz, fribidi, and pandoc if you haven't already)

    2. Update the changelog contained in

    3. Update the version in the DESCRIPTION file, as the version is reflected in the generated documentation.

    4. from the repo directory run the following command:

      Code Block
      R -e "pkgdown::build_site()"
    5. Review the changes by inspecting docs/index.html file.

    6. Commit the changes to the docs directory. When this release branch is validated and merged to master it will automatically publish to via GitHub Pages.

  3. Create a new staging release

    1. Go to the releases of the appropriate repo

    2. Click the "Draft a new release" button and fill the following values:

      Important: Check the "This is a pre-release" checkbox. This will cause the release to be deployed to rather than production

      Tag version: X.Y-rc where X.Y where X.Y is the release version (e.g. 0.11-rc)
      Target: the previously created vX.Y-rc branch
      Release title: Same as tag version (X.Y-rc)

    3. Hit the publish button, this will trigger a GitHub Action that a GitHub Action that will test and deploy the production release to

  4. Notify validators about the available version. The validation version will be in format <version-to-build>.<build-number> (For example: 1.0.87, for build number 87).


Validators can download and/or install the new pre-release version via install.packages() (recommended) or using devtools (not-recommended). After installing the pre-release version, a validator can validate the JIRA tickets that they were assigned and change their status to


Option 1: Installing from Staging RAN

Staging RAN Repo:


  1. Go to the releases of the appropriate repo

  2. Click the "Draft a new release" button and fill the following values:

    Tag version: X.Y where X.Y is the release version (e.g. 0.11)
    Target: the previously created vX.Y-rc branch
    Release title: Same as tag version (X.Y)

    Do NOT check the "This is a pre-release" checkbox.

  3. Hit the publish button, this will trigger a GitHub Action that will test and deploy the production release to

  4. Merge the develop branch to the master branch.
