Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


* optional but recommended

Availability of processing workflows


The table below shows the availability of processing workflows for different data files generated through various ‘omics assays. 

Germline SNV
Somatic SNV
Copy Number Variation (CNV)
Structural variants (SV)
Microsatellite Instability (MSI)
Raw counts
(blue star)
(blue star)
Bulk RNAseq
(blue star)
(blue star)
(blue star)
(blue star)
(blue star)
Single Cell RNAseq
(blue star)
(blue star)
(blue star)
(blue star)
(blue star)

✅ The workflow is Available for this datatype


✖️ The workflow is available for this data type, but the NF-OSI will not provide this processing. This decision follows from the recommendation of scientists and engineers at Sage who have worked with these data modalities and have noted various problems in interpretation of processed data from these workflows during downstream analysis. 


(blue star) The workflow is not applicable for this data type.