In phase one, we have already sent access records to S3 in format of json to s3 with kinesis firehose delivery stream. Kinesis delivery stream creates partition of data on the basis of time in format of year, month and day, when the data has been received in s3. we want to process this data and make the processed data queryable. The data is growing with time, so we need to structure this big data in such a way that we can query it and process in adequate time.
Create a glue table of raw data
What we actually need is ETL job which can extract the raw data from s3, process the data and load the processed data back in S3. From s3 we can query the data with Athena.
AWS Glue ETL Job
Extract the raw data from source
process the data
load processed data to destination
Raw data means the data which we received directly from source, in our case it Synapse repository project. Synapse is sending access records to s3 with firehose kinesis delivery stream.
All the resources are created with cloud formation template in synapse builder project and those are stack specific.create a glue table with stack builder project as we know our schema. table should look like as below:
Column Name
Data Type
Year, month and day are partition column. Kinesis delivery stream creates partition the data data basis of when the data has been received.
usage :
Create a ETL job
Once the raw data is available we want to process it further with ETL (Extract, load and transform) job.
Focus for accessRecord is Payload filed which has all the needed information for further process. As a main task of this ETL job we want to create a separate table having all the fields of payload as columns and we want to transform original value of request url field. our ETL job script would look For access record we need to modify the requesturl field according to business logic, Processing of data includes taking raw data and modifying the requesturl field for each record.
Now we want to keep processed data at separate storage location of S3. And want to execute Athena query on it. Data should be stored in Parquet format, Parquet is column based file format and fast file type to read.
The ETL job script would like as below:
Code Block | ||
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import sys from awsglue.transforms import * from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions from pyspark.context import SparkContext from awsglue.context import GlueContext from awsglue.job import Job args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, ["JOB_NAME"]) sc = SparkContext() glueContext = GlueContext(sc) spark = glueContext.spark_session job = Job(glueContext) job.init(args["JOB_NAME"], args) # Script generated for node S3 ApplyMappingbucket ApplyMappingS3bucket_node2node1 = ApplyMapping.applyglueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options( frame=DataCatalogtable_node1format_options={"multiline": True}, connection_type="s3", mappings=[ format="json", connection_options={ ("payload.sessionId", "string", "sessionIdpaths",: "string")["s3://dev.log.sagebase.org/accessRecord/"], ("payload.timestamp", "long", "timestamp", "long"), ("payload.userId", "int", "userId", "int"),recurse": True, }, transformation_ctx="S3bucket_node1", ) # Script generated for node ApplyMapping ApplyMapping_node2 = ApplyMapping.apply( frame=S3bucket_node1, mappings=[ ("payload.methoddate", "string", "methoddate", "string"), ("payload.requestURL", "string", "requestURLrequesturl", "string"), ("payload.userAgentxforwardedFor", "string", "userAgentxforwardedfor", "string"), ("payload.hostoauthClientId", "stringnull", "hostoauthclientid", "string"), ("payload.originsuccess", "stringboolean", "originsuccess", "stringboolean"), ("payload.viasessionId", "string", "viasessionid", "string"), ("payload.threadIdqueryString", "intnull", "threadIdquerystring", "intstring"), ("payload.elapseMSmethod", "intstring", "elapseMSmethod", "intstring"), ("payload.successbasicAuthUsername", "booleannull", "successbasicauthusername", "booleanstring"), ("payload.stackinstance", "string", "stackinstance", "string"), ("payload.instancestack", "string", "instancestack", "string"), ("payload.datehost", "string", "datehost", "string"), ("payload.vmIdelapseMS", "stringint", "vmIdelapsems", "stringint"), ("payload.returnObjectIdthreadId", "stringint", "returnObjectIdthreadid", "stringint"), ("payload.queryStringuserId", "stringint", "queryStringuserid", "stringint"), ("payload.responseStatusauthenticationMethod", "intnull", "responseStatusauthenticationmethod", "intstring"), ("payload.oauthClientIdreturnObjectId", "stringnull", "oauthClientIdreturnobjectid", "string"), ("payload.basicAuthUsernameorigin", "stringnull", "basicAuthUsernameorigin", "string"), ( "payload.authenticationMethodvia", "string"null", "authenticationMethod", "string", "via", "string"), ("payload.xforwardedForvmId", "string", "xforwardedForvmid", "string"), ("yearpayload.userAgent", "string", "yearuseragent", "string"), ("monthpayload.responseStatus", "stringint", "monthresponsestatus", "stringint"), ("daytimestamp", "stringbigint", "daytimestamp", "stringbigint"), ], transformation_ctx="ApplyMapping_node2", ) def transform(dynamicRecord): tempVar = dynamicRecord["requestURL"].lower() if tempVar.startswith("/entity/md5"): tempVar = "/entity/md5/#" elif tempVar.startswith("/evaluation/name"): tempVar = "/evaluation/name/#" elif tempVar.startswith("/entity/alias"): tempVar = "/entity/alias/#" else: tempVar = "/#" dynamicRecord["requestURL"] = tempVar print("Schema for mapped_medicare DynamicFrame:" + tempVar) return dynamicRecord mapped_record = ApplyMapping_node2.map(f = transform) mapped_record.printSchema() # Script generated for node S3 bucket S3bucket_node3 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options( frame=mapped_record, connection_type="s3", format="jsonpraquet", connection_options={ "path": "s3://dev.log.sagebase.org/processedAccessRecord/", "compression": "gzip", "partitionKeys": [], }, transformation_ctx="S3bucket_node3", ) |
As we deploy every week new stack, ETL job should not reprocess the old or already processed data again.
How we will maintain the versioning of script of glue job, which means define infrastructure that should take the script and push it into s3 ( deployment process of script)
How to trigger the job e.g on demand, or on schedule time.
How to handle duplicate data.