URL | HTTP Type | Description | |||
/entity?activityId={activity id} | POST | Create Creates a new entity and links it to the provided activity.
| |||
/entity/{id}?activityId={activity id} | PUT | Updates the entity and links the current version of the entity to the provided activity.
| |||
/entity/{id}/version?activityId={activityId} | POST | Creates a new version of a given version-able entity and links it to the provided activity. | /entity/{id}/activity | GET | Returns the activity that generated (aka links to) the current version of the specified entity
/entity/{id}/version/{versionNumber}/activity | GET | Returns the activity that generated (aka links to) the specificcurrent version of the specified entity. |
The following table describes how provenance effects the current Entity CRUD API:
URL | HTTP Type | Description | |||||||
/entity/{id}/activity | POST | Creates a new activity and links it to this entity. | |||||||
/entity/{id}/activity | PUT | Links the activity to this entity
| |||||||
/entity/{id}/version/activity | POST | Creates a new activity and links it to this version of the entity/entity/{idversionNumber}/version/activityPUT | Links the activity to this version of the entity | /entity/{id}/activity | GET | Returns the activity linkedthat generated (aka links to) the currentspecific version of the specifiedentity. | /entity/{id}/version/{versionNumber}/activity | GET | Returns the activity linked to this specific
Provenance Additions to the API
URL | HTTP Type | Description |
/activity | POST | Creates a new activity object. |
/activity/{activityId} | PUT | Updates the specified activity. Only
/activity/{activityId} | GET | Returns the specified activity.
/activity/{activityId} | DELETE | Delete the specified activity. Only