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This command will create two Synapse projects:

  • Staging - Organizers will use this project during the Challenge development to share files and draft the Challenge wiki. The create-challenge command initializes the wiki with the DREAM Challenge Wiki Template.

  • Live - Organizers will use this project as the pre-registration page during Challenge development. When the Challenge is ready for launch, the project will then be replaced with the contents from staging.

You may think of these two projects as development (staging project) and production (live project), in that all edits must be done in the staging site, NOT the live site. Maintenance of both projects enables wiki content to be edited and previewed in the staging project before the content is published to the live project. Changes to the live site are synced over with challengeutils' mirror-wiki (see Update the Challenge below for more info).


At first, the live site will be just one page where a general overview about the Challenge is provided.  There will also be a pre-register button that Synapse users can click on if they are interested in the upcoming Challenge.


Important! For the initial deployment of the staging site to live, use synapseutils' copyWikicommand, NOT mirror-wiki (more on this under Launch the Challenge below).

create-challenge will also create four /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/1985446029 for the Challenge:


12. Go to the staging site and click on the TABLES tab. Create a new Submission View by clicking on Table Tools > Add Submission View. Under "Scope", add the evaluation queue(s) you are interested in monitoring (you may add more than one), then click Next. On the next screen, select which information to display - this is known as its schema. We recommend the following schema for a typical SubmissionView:



Important! After the initial copying, all changes to the live site should now be synced over with mirror-wiki; DO NOT use copyWiki again. See more on updating the wikis under the Update the Challenge section below.

Stop the Orchestrator
