Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To update the provenance on a file, navigate to the File that you would like to update. Click on the File Tools dropdown in the upper right hand corner and select Edit File Provenance. In the resulting pop-up, enter the relevant information.


Command Line

Code Block
# Add the data file to Synapse
synapse add squares.txt -parentId syn1901847 
# Set the provenance for newly created entity syn7209166 using synId
synapse set-provenance -id syn7209166 -executed syn7209078 -used syn7208917
# Set the provenance for newly created entity syn7209166 using local path
synapse set-provenance -id syn7209166 -executed ./square.R -used ./random_numbers.txt


Code Block
# Code used to generate the file will be syn123456
# Files used to generate the information
expr_file <- synGet("syn246810", download=F)
filter_file <- synGet("syn135791", download=F)

# Activity to assign to multiple files
act <- Activity(name="filtering",
                used=list(expr_file, filter_file),
finalFile <- synStore(finalFile, activity=act)

# Get the activity now associated with an entity
act <- synGetProvenance(finalFile)

# Now you can set this activity to as many files as you want (file1, file2, etc are Synapse Files)
finalList <- c(file1, file2, file3)
finalList <- lapply(finalList, function(x) synStore(x, activity=act))
