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The database currently supports contributions of information about any animal models, cell lines, antibodies, genetic reagents, and biobanks that are related to the study of neurofibromatosis type 1, neurofibromatosis type 2, or schwannomatosis. If you are interested in contributing a research tool to the database, please visit How to Contribute a ToolPlease see below for information on how to cite the database, as well as information on upstream resources and repositories.

Wh-at tools are eligible for this database?

We accept tools that are in any state of development, published or unpublished, as long as you envision sharing this tool. We also encourage people to submit in-development tools if they are seeking collaborators to help validate and improve the tool.

We accept the following types of tools:

Cell lines: immortalized cell lines or primary cell cultures that exist in a large enough quantity to be shared

Animal models: Genetically modified models of any species as well as well-characterized and shareable xenograft models

Antibodies: Any commercially available or self-distributed antibody for NF-relevant targets

Genetic reagents: Plasmids, guide RNAs, useful primers, or other genetic tools for studying NF

Biobanks: tissue or other biospecimen repositories with NF tumors or other NF-relevant biospecimens

Citing the NF Research Tools Database
