Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Object Changes

Access Requirement: shortDescription description → name

  • UI only or do we need a migration plan? We would need to

    • Update Synapse Web Client

    • Update Synapse React Client

    • Update all portals and SWC to use new versions of React Client

  • Likely cannot enforce uniqueness, but maybe we could warn when a new AR name collides with an existing one in the UI.

  • Enforce non-null/non-empty? Null/empty names could take on the requirement ID as a name.








Need a way to identify the caller as a reviewer so we can determine if we should show the navbar item in the web client.

This could be

  • Manually enabled/disabled as a profile setting

  • Request to see if any ARs exist with the caller having access via ACL (boolean or return the list of ARs)

As a reviewer, I need an intuitive way to access the ACT/Reviewer dashboard so I can review pending requests, troubleshoot user access, and perform other data access tasks.

POST /accessRequirement/search



For all services, when to allow array filters?

No auth required; ARs are public info

Special behavior if the reviewerID is the ACT?

Is this good enough for search?

As an ACT member, I want to be able to query for existing access requirements so I can inspect or modify them without having to navigate to a specific entity controlled by the AR.

As an ACT member, I want to be able to find an AR ID using the AR name so that I can filter other queries by AR without knowing the AR ID.

POST /dataAccessSubmission/search



Auth required

ACT member will see all submissions.

If the caller is not ACT, they will only see submissions on ARs for which they have the “REVIEW_SUBMISSIONS” permission.

What to do about ? Deprecate?

See – need to refine

This will support both the “Submissions” tab for all reviewers and the “Access History” tab for ACT

POST /accessApproval/historysearch



Is POST /accessApproval/group enough? Only difference is no history and sort, but sort could probably be added to that service.

Status by submitter - (submitter, AR ID) is primary key

As an ACT user, I want to see the entire history of Access Approvals so I can understand why a user may have gained or lost access on an access requirement.GET/POST /accessRequirement/{id}/bundle

We could also just do a service to get the related projects for an AR, since a service already exists for fetching the ACL



Code Block
    "title":"Access Requirement Search Result ItemRequest",
    "description":"Access Requirement and related objectsDescribes the parameters for searching Access Requirements",
    "properties": {
            "type": "string",
        },         "namedescription":"A {substring used to filter Access Requirements        "type": "stringby name"
            // array of principal ids"type":"string",
            "type": "array",
   "description":"A synID used to filter Access Requirements to retrieve only those that have been applied within a particular project."
        "itemsreviewerId": {
            "type": "stringnumber",
// synIds           "description":"A principal }ID used to filter Access Requirements to retrieve only },those with the user/ or team on the  "modifiedOnACL.":
{        },
    // ...       "nextPageToken": {
 }     } }


Code Block
{     "titletype": "string"Access,
Requirement Search Request",          "description": "DescribesA token theused parametersto forget searchingthe Accessnext Requirements",page of a particular search "propertiesquery.":
{        }
"nameContains":{        }


Code Block
    "title":"Access Requirement Search Result Item",
    "description":"AResult substringitem usedof to filteran Access RequirementsRequirement by namesearch"
        },"properties": {
            "type": "string",
        "descriptionname":"A synID{
used to filter Access Requirements to retrieve only those that have been applied within a particular project."type": "string"

           "type": "numberarray",
            "description": "APrincipal principalIDs IDof usedthe toreviewers filterof Accessthe RequirementsAR."
to retrieve only those with the user/ or team on the ACL."items": {
       },        "type": "nextPageTokennumber":
  {         }
   "type": "string",    },
"A  token used to get the next page of a particular search query.""type": "array",
        }    "items": }


Code Block
      "title":"Access Requirement Search Response",     "descriptiontype": "string"Describes
the response object for an Access Requirement search",     "properties":}
{         "results":{
        "typemodifiedOn":"array", {
            "itemstype": {
                "$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.AccessRequirementBundle""string",


Code Block
    "title":"Access Requirement Search Response",
    "description":"The results ofDescribes the response object for an accessAccess requirementRequirement search",
    "properties": {
  },     }


Code Block
    "title":"Access Requirement Search Request",     "descriptiontype":"array"Describes,
 the parameters for searching Data Access Submissions",     "propertiesitems": {
        "accessRequirementId        "$ref": {"org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.AccessRequirementSearchResult"
            "description":"FilterThe submissionsresults byof theiran Accessaccess Requirementrequirement IDsearch"
        "accessorIdnextPageToken": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "A principal IDtoken used to filterget submissionsthe bynext accessorspage onof the submissiona particular search query."


Code Block
    "reviewerIdtitle":"Access {Requirement Search Request",
    "description":"Describes the parameters for searching Data  "type":"numberAccess Submissions",
    "properties": {
        "descriptionaccessRequirementId":"A principal{
ID used to filter Access Requirements to retrieve only those with the specified user or team on the ACL.            "type":"string",
            "description": "Filter submissions by their Access Requirement ID"
        "sortaccessorId": {
            "type": "enumerationstring",
            "valuesdescription": ["CREATED_ON_ASC", "CREATED_ON_DESC"],
          "default": "CREATED_ON_DESC""A principal ID used to filter submissions by accessors on the submission."
        "nextPageTokenreviewerFilter": {
          // TODO: check "type": "string",
 this field with stakeholders
          "descriptiontype": "Astring",
token used to get the next page of a particular search query."
 "enum": [
       }     }


Code Block
    "title":"Access Requirement Search Response",     "description":"Describes the parameters for searching Access Requirements"DELEGATED_ONLY"
    "properties      "required": {false
        "resultsreviewerId": {
            "itemsdescription": {
                "$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.dataaccess.Submission""A principal ID used to filter Access Requirements to retrieve only those with the specified user or team on the ACL."
   "sort": {
          "descriptiontype":"Submissions matching the search parameters" "object",
          "properties": {
   },         "nextPageTokenfield": {
              "type": "string",
              "descriptionconst": "CREATED_ON"A
token used to get the next page of a particular search query." }
       }     }


Code Block
{"direction": {
      "title":"Access Approval History Request",     "description$ref":"Describes the parameters for searching through the history of Access Approvals for a particular accessor", "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.SortDirection"
       "properties": { },
        "accessorIdnextPageToken": {
            "type": "numberstring",
            "description": "TheA token principalused IDto ofget the accessor.",next page of a particular search   query."
    "required": true   }


Code Block
    "$id": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.dataaccess.DataAccessSubmissionSearchResult"
    "accessRequirementIdtitle":"Data {Access Submission Search      Result Item",
    "typedescription": "number",
    "properties": {
        "descriptionsubmissionId": "The{
access requirement for which access approvals should be shown.",      "type": "string"
      "required      "type": false"string"
        "sortaccessRequirementName": {
            "type": "enumeration",string"
        "valuesreviewerIds": ["MODIFIED_ON_ASC", "MODIFIED_ON_DESC", "EXPIRED_ON_ASC", "EXPIRED_ON_DESC"],{
           "type": "array"
        "submitterId": {
          "default": "MODIFIED_ON_DESCdescription": "The principal ID of the person who created the submission."
          "type": "number"
        "accessorIds": {
          "type": "array",
          "description": "The principal IDs of the users who are accessors on the submission",
          "items": {
            "type": "number"
        "state": {
          "$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.dataaccess.SubmissionState"
        "createdOn": {
            "type": "string",


Code Block
    "title":"Access Requirement Search Response",
    "description":"Describes the parameters for searching Access Requirements",
    "properties": {
        "results": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.dataaccess.DataAccessSubmissionSearchResult"
            "description":"Submissions matching the search parameters"
        "nextPageToken": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "A token used to get the next page of a particular search query."


Code Block
    "title":"Access Approval History Request",
    "description":"Describes the parameters for searching through the history of Access Approvals for a particular accessor",
    "properties": {
        "accessorId": {
            "description": "The principal ID of the accessor.",
            "required": true
        "accessRequirementId": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "The access requirement for which access approvals should be shown.",
            "required": false
        "sort": {
          "type": "enumeration",
          "default": "MODIFIED_ON_DESC"
        "nextPageToken": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "A token used to get the next page of a particular search query."


Code Block
    "$id": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.AccessApprovalSearchResult"
    "title":"Access Approval Search Result Item",
    "description": "The result item in an Access Approval search",
    "properties": {
        "id": {
            "description": "The ID of the Access Approval",
            "type": "string"
            "type": "string"
        "requirementName": {
            "type": "string"
           "type": "array"
        "submitterId": {
          "description": "The principal ID of the person who created the submission."
          "type": "number"
        "state": {
			"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.ApprovalState"
        "modifiedOn": {
            "type": "string",
        "nextPageTokenexpiredOn": {
            	"type": "string",
			"format":            "date-time",
			"description": "AThe tokendate usedthis toobject getwill the next page of a particular search query."
be expired.",
			"title": "Expired On",
			"transient": true


Code Block
    "title":"Access Approval HistorySearch Response",
    "description":"The results of an Access Approval History Request",
    "properties": {
        "results": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.AccessApprovalAccessApprovalSearchResult"
            "description":"The matching historyAccess ofApproval Accessinformation Approvalscorresponding matchingto the search parameters"
        "nextPageToken": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "A token used to get the next page of a particular search query."

