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Browse the glossary to learn more about terms and definitions used within Synapse.


This is a type of data access setting—data set at this tier as anonymous access is available for anyone on the web, without Conditions for Use.


Read more about Challenges here.


Command line

One of the API clients that provides a way to use Synapse programmatically.

Learn how to install the Synapse command line


Explanationclient here.

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Controlled access

This is a type of data access setting—data set at this tier as controlled access is available to registered, certified, or validated users that fulfil specific requirements for data access.


This is essentially a repository for metadata used throughout the Synapse site.

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Data science

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data, and apply knowledge and actionable insights from data across a broad range of application domains.

Source: Wikipedia. Is there a better / more Sage-focused explanation?


Data model

An abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate to one another and to the properties of real-world entities. A data model explicitly determines the structure of data.

Source: Wikipedia. Is there a better / more Sage-focused explanation?


Digital object identifier (DOI)


Any distinct object in Synapse, including a file, folder, project… what else?


Experimental mode

A mode in Synapse where new features and feature updates that are still in development until they are ready to be pushed live. Anyone can test out this mode using the Experiment Mode link at the bottom right of Synapse.


Abbreviation for JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is a data-interchange format or language based on two structures: an object and associated values, or an array.

This may need tweaking… I tried to make it “approachable” but I may have missed key points or got something wrong.


JSON schema

A specific JSON-based format that defines the structure of JSON data for validation, documentation, and interaction control. It provides a contract for the JSON data required by a given application, and how that data can be modified.

Source: Wikipedia. Please check for accuracy/relevance


Key-value pairs

Key-value pairs are used in annotations, where the key defines a particular aspect of your data (for example, species, assay, file format) and the value defines a variable that belongs to that category (mouse, RNAseq, .bam).

Is this enough explanation? Are key-value pairs used outside of annotations?



This is a file that gets uploaded alongside data, which specifies information about the data files being uploaded. It also contains annotations that will be associated with the file in Synapse. It tells the computer the current directory of the file to be uploaded (via path) and the Synapse ID of the folder where files will be uploaded (via parent). The manifest can also be used to describe provenance of each file, indicating how it was generated, but this is optional (but helpful).

There are several different types of manifests used throughout Synapse:

  • Upload manifest: This is a .tsv file used to upload metadata—more details, along with a template, are provided here.

  • Download manifest: This is used when downloading data programmatically—the template is provided by Synapse Python Client.

  • File Schema Driven Manifest: This is based on the new File Schema.

  • Portals Manifest: This is currently provided when exporting data.



Markdown is a simple language used for creating formatted text (such as italics, bold, hyperlinks, paragraph breaks, etc.). It is simple in that it is readable to computers while also being appealing and understandable to people.


Metadata can be descriptive (i.e., the name of the file), administrative (i.e., provenance information), or research-based (i.e., information about the sampling and handling of data).



Open Access Tier -


Permissions -

Private Access Tier -

Project -

Provenance -

Python -


Registered User -


RNAseq -


Schema -

Sharing Settings -

Synapse ID -

Synapse Manifest -


Validated User - In the context of data science, an ontology is essentially the system in place for naming and classifying entities and the relationships between them, as they exist in a particular data model. For example, the ontology of a research study would specify an appropriate naming convention for terms used throughout the study.

I made this up but not sure if it’s accurate / if I captured everything. Probably needs tweaking.


Open access

This is a type of data access setting—data set at as open access is available to all registered Synapse users, without use limitations.

The other data access tiers are: private access, controlled access, and anonymous access.

Learn more about data access here.



This refers to the level of access that a Synapse user or team has to view, download, edit, delete, and manage data. Permissions can be set within the sharing settings of a project, files, folders, and tables.

Read more about permissions and how to set them here.


Private access

This is a type of data access setting—data set at as private access is visible only to the data owner and any other users who the owner grants access to.

The other data access tiers are: controlled access, open access, and anonymous access.

Learn more about data access here.



In Synapse, projects act as containers that group relevant content and people together.

Read more about projects here.



Provenance is a concept describing the origin of something. In Synapse, it is used to describe the connections between the workflow steps used to create a particular file or set of results. The Synapse provenance system is one of many solutions that makes research work reproducible by you and others.

Read more about Synapse provenance here.



One of the API clients that provides a way to use Synapse programmatically.

Learn how to install the Synapse python client here.

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Registered User

This is one of four user account types in Synapse, which determines what actions a user can perform. Registered users can create projects and wikis, collaborate with other registered users and create Synapse teams, can download publicly available data, and can access controlled data (if they fulfil the conditions for use)

The other user account types are: anonymous users, certified users, and validated users.

Find more information on user account types here.



Need explanation



A sequencing technique which uses next-generation sequencing to reveal the presence and quantity of RNA in a biological sample at a given moment, analyzing the continuously changing cellular transcriptome (the set of all RNA transcripts in an individual or population of cells).

Source: Wikipedia. Is there a better / more Sage-focused explanation?



A snapshot of all the objects contained in a database and their relationship. Essentially, it is the structure of your data. In Synapse entities, such as views and tables, the schema defines the column names, as well as the values or types of data allowed in each column.

Please review for accuracy.


Sharing Settings

Determine who can access content in Synapse and what permissions those users have with respect to a dataset.

Learn more about sharing settings here.


Synapse ID (synID)

Every object in Synapse (file, folder, project, table, view, user, etc.) is designated a unique Synapse ID (also known as synID) that is readable by programmatic clients.

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Validated User

This is one of four user account types in Synapse, which determines what actions a user can perform. Validated users are certified users that have applied to have their user profile validated. This validation makes you eligible to request access to mHealth data.

The other user account types are: anonymous users, registered users, and certified users.

Find more information on user account types here, and specifically on validated users (including instructions for gaining validation) here.