Each row represents one participant, presumably seven days around their current day in the study. Some questions to answer about this:
Is this the image of the most recent study burst for each user? If so, day 1 is the day 0 of that burst, not just “three days ago.” If so, what if the burst is longer than 7 days, what if the schedule does not use study bursts?
If the user is in a “fallow” period of the schedule (like a period of time between study bursts), what do we return?
I would be inclined to simply show X days before and after “now” for the user, across all event streams. That means there could be more than one row of symbols in a row, I think (or maybe the different sessions are just shown side-by-sideThe information on the left-hand side about week and study burst cannot hold for all the sessions in the row, and I am convinced the only way this view can be assembled is by aligning each user according to date (that is, there is no query to produce this that doesn’t relate it to calendar time, nor is it useful if it’s not related to calendar time since “this week” is implicitly calendrical).
Presumably we will only persist the records we need for this view, and then we can return all records in the paged API. I think one record in this API must be equal to one participant, and it will contain nested information to draw one or more of these rows.