Versions Compared


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Preferred file formats


.fastq.gz, .bam, .cram


platform dependent  (e.g. .cel, .idat)

whole-genome sequencing

.fastq.gz, .bam, .cram

whole-exome sequencing

.fastq.gz, .bam, .cram (.vcf, .maf acceptable with justification)

methylation data

Platform dependent: .idat for Illumina arrays, .fastq.gz for sequencing

western blotting

Individual images or final figure (e.g. samp1.png or samp1.tif)


Microscope’s native imaging format (e.g. nd2, abi), OME-TIFF, lossless image files (e.g. .tif, .png) separated by channel 

In vitro drug screening data

A .csv/.tsv file following this template (see instructions)

In vivo tumor growth experiments

A .csv/.tsv file following this template (see instructions)

PK/PD data

.csv/.tsv file - no template exists


platform dependent


To share your data on the NF Data Portal, we require the following information:

For individual files:

Annotations annotations as defined in the manifest.

Note: Only files annotated with the resourceType marked as experimentalData are visible in the portal.

For any multi-file datasets:

  • Dataset Name: <100 characters

  • Summary: <1000 characters summarizing the dataset

  • Dataset ID: synapse ID of the dataset

  • Files: number of files in the dataset

  • Size: size of the dataset in bytes

  • Disease Focus: NF1, NF2 or Schwannomatosis

  • Manifestation: disease manifestation(s) under study - for example, the type of tumor 

  • Funding Agency: Funding organization for the dataset

  • Study Name: <100 characters - same as the study name

For any publications or preprints that are linked to this study:

  • Pubmed ID:

  • DOI (if available): 

  • Disease Focus: NF1, NF2 or Schwannomatosis

  • Manifestation: disease manifestation(s) under study - for example, the type of tumor 

  • Funding Agency: Funding organization for the publication

For your study:

Note: these are already listed on the portal—please provide the following information if you’d like to modify what is already on the portal

  • Study Name: <100 characters 

  • Study Status: "Active" or "Completed"

  • Data Status: "None," "Under Embargo," "Partially Released," or "Published"

  • Funding Agency: Funding organization for the study

  • Summary: <1000 characters summarizing the study

  • Study Leads: PIs and/or key personnel for the study

  • Institutions: institution(s) at which the work was done

  • Manifestation: disease manifestation(s) under study - for example, the type of tumor 

  • Disease Focus: NF1, NF2 or Schwannomatosis

Please send this information to