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A grant is represented by a contract number and/or digital object identifier assigned to a project.



Metadata provides information is additional, standardized information included alongside the data to give it context—data about the data, if you will. Metadata is what allows data in the portal . Metadata can be associated with individual subjects and/or with files. Understanding how metadata works is essential to the successful use of Synapse and the NF Data Portal.

Essentially, metadata is extra information included with actual data that tells the software how and where to store data in the intended way. It’s referred to as “structured” data, since it follows a specific format in the form of a table, which acts like a set of instructions so the software (Synapse) knows what to do with it.

Metadata can be structured or unstructured. While some metadata is part of a file annotation (see file annotation entry for more information), additional structured metadata—including clinical and demographic information on study participants—can be found within a set of .csv files that describe the individuals, specimens, and assaysto be searchable, discoverable, accessible, re-usable, and understandable to others, including those who were not involved in the data generation process.

Metadata can be descriptive (i.e., the name of the file), administrative (i.e., Provenance information), or research-based (i.e., information about the sampling and handling of data).

There is a whole dictionary dedicated to metadata and annotations. Find it here. And if you need assistance using the metadata dictionary, we have a dedicated page for that here.


Metadata validation

The act of checking metadata for correct values and formatting.
