Versions Compared


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On this page, we begin by defining the difference between raw data and results. Then, and then we provide a quick reference reference table for different types of data that you might be sharing, followed by a breakdown of the information that we require when uploading your data.

Raw data vs. results

From a reusability perspective, data is the most useful to future users. Both results and data can be shared, but data is more important for reproducibility and reuse.



Preferred file formats


.fastq.gz, .bam, .cram


platform dependent  (e.g. .cel, .idat)

whole-genome sequencing

.fastq.gz, .bam, .cram

whole-exome sequencing

.fastq.gz, .bam, .cram (.vcf, .maf acceptable with justification)

methylation data

Platform dependent: .idat for Illumina arrays, .fastq.gz for sequencing

western blotting

Individual images or final figure (e.g. samp1.png or samp1.tif)


Microscope’s native imaging format (e.g. nd2, abi), OME-TIFF, lossless image files (e.g. .tif, .png) separated by channel 

In vitro drug screening data

A .csv/.tsv file following this template (see instructions)

In vivo tumor growth experiments

A .csv/.tsv file following this template (see instructions)

PK/PD data

.csv/.tsv file - no template exists


platform dependent

Data upload requirements

To share your data on the NF Data Portal, we require the following information:

For individual files:

Annotations as defined in the manifest. Only files annotated with the resourceType marked as experimentalData are visible in the portal.

For any multi-file datasets:

  • Dataset Name: <100 characters

  • Summary: <1000 characters summarizing the dataset

  • Dataset ID: synapse ID of the dataset

  • Files: number of files in the dataset

  • Size: size of the dataset in bytes

  • Disease Focus: NF1, NF2 or Schwannomatosis

  • Manifestation: disease manifestation(s) under study - for example, the type of tumor 

  • Funding Agency: Funding organization for the dataset

  • Study Name: <100 characters - same as the study name

For any publications or preprints that are linked to this study:

  • Pubmed ID:

  • DOI (if available): 

  • Disease Focus: NF1, NF2 or Schwannomatosis

  • Manifestation: disease manifestation(s) under study - for example, the type of tumor 

  • Funding Agency: Funding organization for the publication

For your study:

Note: these are already listed on the portal—please provide the following information if you’d like to modify what is already on the portal

  • Study Name: <100 characters 

  • Study Status: "Active" or "Completed"

  • Data Status: "None," "Under Embargo," "Partially Released," or "Published"

  • Funding Agency: Funding organization for the study

  • Summary: <1000 characters summarizing the study

  • Study Leads: PIs and/or key personnel for the study

  • Institutions: institution(s) at which the work was done

  • Manifestation: disease manifestation(s) under study - for example, the type of tumor 

  • Disease Focus: NF1, NF2 or Schwannomatosis

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