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Controlled Use Data: While all data uploaded to Synapse is open(see entry for Open Science), some data requires the submission of a Data Use Certificate (DUC). You can find more detailed information on this on the portal is considered Controlled Use and requires you to request access by reading and electronically agreeing to data-specific terms. Learn how to do so here.


Controlled Value: a pre-formatted value that must be used as defined.  Ex: True instead of yes; female instead of woman


Metadata: Metadata provides information about the data in the portal. Metadata can be associated with individual subjects and/or with files. Understanding how metadata works is essential to the successful use of Synapse and the AD portalNF Data Portal.

Essentially, metadata is extra information included with actual data that tells the software how and where to store data in the intended way. It’s referred to as “structured” data, since it follows a specific format in the form of a table, which acts like a set of instructions so the software (Synapse) knows what to do with it.


There is a whole dictionary dedicated to metadata and annotations. Find it here.


Metadata validation: the act of checking metadata for correct values and formatting.Open Data/Open Science (also referred to as Open Access): Open data represents transparent and accessible knowledge that is shared and developed through collaborative networks, based on the principles of open science. The goal of open science is to make scientific research—including publications, data, physical samples, and software—and its dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, whether amateur or professional. The general driving idea behind open science and data is that scientific research can and should be accessible to anyone—because, well, why not? This system benefits all parties involved—the researchers gain wider-reaching recognition and appreciation for their work, the study subjects get to witness the palpable value of providing their personal data, scientists and other professionals are able to use properly funded research to aid in their own research/work, and the general public gains helpful information and knowledge from trusted sources. This is truly a win-win—collective consciousness is a global good!


Program: In our context, a program represents a group of scientists working together towards a common research goal. In this way, “Consortia” is often used interchangeably with “program.” An exception is the Community Data Contribution Program, where researchers outside of the funded programs contribute data and other content to the portal.
