Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Internal links to other pages: Because contributors cannot see the final draft space, they cannot add links to those pages when they edit in the working draft space. If contributors need to reference another Synapse Docs article, they should either use the external-facing Viewport link ( in their Confluence page OR indicate that an admin needs to create a link for them that points to the appropriate final draft page.

  • Links to download page attachments: Similar to page links, you can generate a URL that points to a Confluence page attachment for download. This URL needs to be copied from the final draft page, not the working draft page. To set this up, you need to create the working draft, attach the file, sync the page to the final draft space, go to the final draft space to grab the attachment URL, then go back to the working draft page to insert it into the page text.

  • Include and excerpt macros: Include and excerpt macros must originate from within the final draft space, meaning that only you as an administrator can add them to a page. There is an include library in the final draft space that contains reusable text for article footers, and this content is what should be referenced whenever a new article is created in the working draft space.


Viewport Help Docs : bookmark this to make sure you always land on the Confluence Cloud version of their help docs, not Confluence Server

Comala Publishing Help Docs : This is a new app, so these docs are in their infancy. Generally, contacting Comala support for help with this app has been more fruitful.

Comala Doc Management Help Docs : again, bookmark this to make sure you always land on the Cloud version.

Rock the Docs (from K15t, who make Viewport): Best practices for managing collaborative documentation in Confluence

Abigail Sutherland - Organizing a Confluence hoard, or, does this page spark joy? : a video on how to organize a Confluence instance across an organization

How to Make Sense of Any Mess: Information Architecture for Everyone : a good book on information architecture for anyone who is interested

Write the Docs Slack : Recommend the #confluence and #doctools channels. The #confluence channel is very active, and you will see many posts from K15t (Viewport) guru Matt Reiner.