Overview: MTB Norming is set to launch June 1 with final deployment on May 20
What went well:
Able to get back into the office and feeling much more productive. +1
Plus getting to the office for the first time was nice.
Able to get Tech Debt and Process Debt resolved around releases has really helped.
Feeling good heads down time. Getting close for Android
Onboarding learning has been fun.
Feature Discussions are getting nitty gritty (notifications) but that means that we are close to set and able to see the details.
Pieces are coming together for Norming App.
Agreement to have SDP QA testing will hopefully start soon.
And able to test with the iOS app and start to look at additional features.
What could go better:
Fires have come up which has put the commitments made at risk for sprint deadlines
Changed models for survey questions
Action Items:
Ann will be out from June 1-June 8 - Erin will handle standups and sprint planning.
What went well
We got work done. +2
Jack’s onboarding went well
What could go better
Still not getting everything planned pre sprint so putting out fires. +2
Onboarding documents were a little out of date, but will be updated.
Action Items:
Ann to work with Ryan and Kevin regarding Synapse escalations -
MAC - I have followed up with Ryan and we will be investigating the correct escalation process and documenting it so that this doesn’t keep happening.
Alx is also no longer listed as the team manager in Synapse so all questions do not go to him for basic management.
What went well:
Jack started