Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Wikis provide a space to write narrative content to describe a project or content within the a project. They Wikis are available in Synapse on projects, folders, and files. Every project has a separate Wiki tab where you can create pages and a hierarchy of sub-pages.

Wiki pages can be written using plain textMarkdown, or basic HTML. Additionally, you can embed dynamic content based on other resources stored in Synapse, or Markdown. If you choose Markdown to write your wiki, a formatting guide is available within the wiki editing window (it is also available as a wiki here). Useful shortcuts are also available in the wiki editor tool bar, including: heading, bold, italic, strike-through, code block, subscript and superscript.

A wiki inherits its sharing settings from the project, folder, or file it is associated with, and it cannot have separate sharing settings. Anyone with ‘view’ permissions or greater can see the content of the wiki page. When a project, folder or file is shared with the public, the associated wiki is visible to viewers who are not logged in to Synapse.

Create, Edit, and Delete a Wiki

You can create, edit, or delete a wiki using the web client or the Python and R clients. Like files, folders, and other objects in Synapse, wikis have a unique Synapse ID (synID) associated with them, and you can use this synID to reference them elsewhere.


Create a new project, then select the Wiki tab. Navigate to the Wiki Tools menu and select the Edit Project Wiki function. Content in this first project wiki becomes your project’s home page. Go to the Wiki Tools menu to You can add subpages to your project wiki . These that will appear as become links on the left side of your home page (jump to the subpages section below to read more).


To add a wiki to a folder or file, navigate to the folder or file and select Edit Wiki from the Tools menu. Content added to a wiki can be previewed before saving. Each version of a saved wiki is visible under Wiki Revision History where older versions can be restored. To delete a wiki select Delete Wiki Page under the Wiki Tools menu.


The command line client does not support the creation of wiki content. We suggest using synapse onweb syn### where syn### is the Synapse ID of your created project. Then edit the wiki using the web clientusing the web client to create wiki content.


Code Block
import synapseclient
syn = synapseclient.login()

projWiki = Wiki(title='Data Summary', owner = myProj)
markdownText = '''*This Cellis growthan lookexample normally distributed. There is evidence of inverse growth between these two cell lines sentence.'''
projWiki['markdown'] = markdownText
projWiki =


Code Block

markdownText <- "* Cell growth look normally distributed\n* There This is evidence of inverse growth between these two cell linesexample sentence."
wiki <- Wiki(owner="syn123myProj", title="AnalysisData summary", markdown=markdownText)
wiki <- synStore(wikimyWiki)


The layout and text of a wiki can be customized using standard Markdown notation. In the web interface, a formatting guide is available within the wiki editing window. For a reference of Markdown formatting see the Markdown Formatting Guide. Useful Markdown shortcuts are also available in the wiki editor tool bar, including: heading, bold, italic, strike-through, code block, subscript and superscript. You can also insert links to any URL source.

Create Page Hierarchy with Subpages

A project wiki can have subpages, which will appear nested below the main wiki page. Creating subpages will also create a navigation bar on the right left side of the screen that lists the wiki subpages in the order they were created. Links to wiki subpages include the project ID, the wiki path, and the ID of the wiki page (e.g.!Synapse:syn150935/wiki/27376). The subpage ID can be found in the browser URL bar when the subpage is viewed.



Important: Wiki pages do not have specific Conditions conditions for Useuse. Do not put any protected human data in Synapse Wikis. See the Synapse Data Use Procedure for details.

See also:

