Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Go to the Synapse Docs (Working Drafts) space and locate the article you want to update (or you may be tagged in the article).

  • Switch to edit mode by clicking the pencil icon ((blue star)) in the upper right toolbar.

  • Make your edits. Refer to the Style Guide and the How To sections below for help with how to write content.

  • To save your edits, click the three dots ((blue star)) in the upper right toolbar and select Publish with version comment. In the resulting pop-up, add a description of what you changed and click Publish. Note this action does not make your content publicly viewable yet, it is only viewable internally on Confluence.

Review and approval in Confluence

Making edits to a page in the draft space will automatically assign a “Review” status to that page, indicating that When you are ready for your content to be approved and sent to the Viewport site, click the Review button at the top of the page, then select +Add Reviewer.


Add Stacey Taylor and anyone else who you want to review the doc.


If no additional changes to the text are needed, your doc will be approved and synced with the final draft space. Your changes will be incorporated with the next build of the doc site (approximately weekly).

If additional changes are needed, you will work with your reviewers to address any remaining issues and then repeat the approval request process.

Confluence How To’s

Inserting and removing images

Use the editing toolbar in Confluence to insert images into your articles. Confluence will automatically add each image as an attachment to the page in addition to embedding the image in the article.

To remove an image, you must delete the image from the article itself, as well as delete it from the page attachments list. From the main page of an article (not in editing mode), click the three dots in the upper right ((blue star)) and select Attachments. Delete the images you no longer need.

Image naming conventions

If you are inserting a screen cap of the Synapse UI, name the file with a description of what image is showing, spaced with hyphens. For example, use report-violation-footer.png for an image of the Synapse footer showing where to find the link to report violations.

Changing image size

You can resize images within Confluence by dragging the edges of the image once you have embedded it on the page. However, these changes will not be reflected on the live Viewport site. To change the size of an image as it appears on the Viewport size, you must resize the image file itself. For more on resizing images see the Scroll Viewport help docs here.

Adding links to other articles or sections

To add a link to another Synapse docs page or section, go to and locate the article or section of interest. Copy the URL from that page, or copy the link next to a specific section heading. Paste this link into your Confluence page using the Confluence link editor ( 🔗 ) in the editing toolbar.

Adding downloads and attachments

  • To add a download link to a page (e.g. a pdf, template, or other file that users need to download), add your file as an attachment to the Confluence page. From the main page view (not the Confluence editor), click the three dots at the top right of the screen and select attachments from the dropdown:


  • Upload your files.

  • In the Attachments view, right click on the name of the attachments and select Copy Linked Address.

  • Image Added

    Go to your page and add a link to the desired text. Paste in the attachment link as the URL. Viewport will render the Confluence URL into a file download for external users.

  • Note: Viewport can only render links for items that are within the associated Confluence space. Items outside of that space (links or attachments from other spaces) will not render correctly on your Viewport site.


There are many macros available in the Confluence editor to style a page and add functionality to a Confluence space. The Scroll Viewport app can render some macros, but not all. Viewport also has many features built in to its layouts that make many popular macros redundant (e.g. Viewport automatically creates a table of contents for every article), so in many cases the use of additional Confluence macros on the page is unnecessary. In general, unless directed by a doc admin to use a macro, avoid using them in articles destined for a Viewport site.