Versions Compared


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  1. If you are not yet logged in: log in to

  2. If you have not yet uploaded your data that you would like to annotate:

    1. Navigate to your Synapse Project that was assigned to you at the time of project on-boarding.

    2. Within the “Raw Data” or “Data” folder, create a new folder to house your current data upload.

    3. Upload the data to this folder.

  3. Navigate to the NF Data Curator app.

  4. Follow the prompts to select the project, folder that you'd like to annotate and the type of assay you are annotating.

  5. Click "Get Metadata Template" -> "Click to generate google sheets template" to generate a template for your new data, and wait for the app to provide a google sheet link. This may take a few moments, particularly if you have many files or lots of existing annotations on your files.

  6. Fill in the manifest.

    1. For each column, hover over the column title to get a better idea of what type of information is needed in each column. For example, you can hover over the “individualID” column header to see the definition: “A unique identifier (non-PII) that represents the individual from which the data came. This could be a patient or animal ID.”

    2. Use the dropdown selector for each cell to pick a value. For example, if you are annotating a western blot image, under assay, you’d select “westernBlot”.

    3. Use the

  7. You may need to add new terms if the dropdowns drop-down boxes don't include exactly what you are looking for, but we have added all of the new terms from the last time you did this.
