Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Wikis provide a space to write narrative content to describe a project or content within the project. They are available in Synapse on Projectson projects, Folders folders, and Filesand files. Every Project project has a separate Wiki tab where you can create pages and a hierarchy of sub-pages.

Wiki pages can be written using text, Markdown, or basic HTML. Additionally, you can embed dynamic content based on other resources stored in Synapse.

A Wiki wiki inherits its sharing settings from the Projectproject, Folderfolder, or File file it is associated with, and it cannot have separate sharing settings. Anyone with ‘view’ permissions or greater can see the content of the Wiki wiki page. When a Projectproject, Folder folder or File file is shared with the public, the associated Wiki wiki is visible to viewers who are not logged in to Synapse.



edit, and


delete a



Create a new Projectproject, then select the Wiki tab. Navigate to the Wiki Tools menu and select the Edit Project Wiki function. Content in this first Wiki wiki becomes your Project’s project’s home page. Go to the Wiki Tools menu to add subpages to your Wikiwiki. These will appear as links on the left side of your home page.


To add a Wiki wiki to a Folder folder or Filefile, navigate to the Folder folder or File file and select Edit Wiki from the Tools menu. Content added to a Wiki wiki can be previewed before saving. Each version of a saved Wiki wiki is visible under Wiki Revision History where older versions can be restored. To delete a Wiki select a wiki select Delete Wiki Page under the Wiki Tools menu.

Command Lineline

The command line client does not support the creation of Wiki wiki content. We suggest using (to get to the webpage of the project) using synapse onweb syn### where syn### is the Synapse Id ID of your created project. Then editing edit the Wiki wiki using the web client.



Code Block
markdownText <- "* Cell growth look normally distributed\n* There is evidence of inverse growth between these two cell lines."
wiki <- Wiki(owner="syn123", title="Analysis summary", markdown=markdownText)
wiki <- synStore(wiki)



The layout and text of a Wiki wiki can be customized using standard Markdown notation. In the web interface, a Formatting Guide formatting guide is available within the Wiki wiki editing window. For a reference of Markdown formatting see the Markdown Formatting Guide. Useful Markdown shortcuts are also available in the Wiki Editor wiki editor tool bar, including: heading, bold, italic, strike-through, code block, subscript and superscript. You can also insert links to any URL source.



page hierarchy with



A Project Wiki project wiki can have subpages, which will appear nested below the main Wiki wiki page. Creating subpages will also create a navigation bar on the right side of the screen that lists the Wiki wiki subpages in the order they were created. Links to wiki subpages include the Project project ID, the Wiki wiki path, and the ID of the wiki page (e.g.!Synapse:syn150935/wiki/27376). The subpage ID can be found in the browser URL bar when the subpage is viewed.

To add a subpage, use the Wiki Tools menu and then click Add Wiki Subpage. You can edit this sub-page like any other Wiki wiki page through the Wiki Tools menu and Edit Project Wiki.



page order

By default, Wiki wiki pages are created at a single level, or without a page hierarchy. As your Wiki wiki evolves over time, you may want to change the order and hierarchy of pages in your Wiki. To do this, click the Edit Order button below the Wiki wiki page navigation bar to change both the order and hierarchy of pages within a particular level. Click Edit Order, and then select the page you want to move. Use the arrow buttons to move the page up or down in your page tree. Use the left and right arrows to nest subpages deeper or promote them higher in a page hierarchy. When you are finished, click Done to save your work. Note that only users with the ability to edit the wiki content have the ability to edit the wiki order. Changing the wiki order does not change the synID of the wiki page.




Widgets are Synapse features that can be added to supplement any Markdown text and customize your Wikiwiki. These include inserting images, tagging individuals, querying tables, and more. Use the Insert menu at the top of the Wiki wiki editor window to select a widget. Each of these widgets is described in the following table.

To edit widgets after they have been added to the wiki, use the Edit Synapse Widget button in the upper left hand corner of the Wiki wiki editing window. Click on the Markdown text for a widget, and then click Edit Synapse Widget to view the widget configuration window again.





Attach a file from your local computer to the Wikiwiki.

Button Link

Insert a button that links to content within Synapse or elsewhere. Tip: buttons can be colored purple by adding '&highlight=true' to the end of the widget markdown

Collapsible Section (Details/Summary)

Insert a label or heading that you can click to expand and reveal additional text.

Entity List

A list of Synapse Foldersfolders, Files files or Tables tables can be created by browsing to the Synapse location or searching by entity name or Synapse ID. The table lists entity name, date entity was created, who created it, and version and version notes (if selecting Filesfiles, Tablestables, or Viewsviews).

File Preview

Embeds a preview window for .csv, .txt, and image files

Genome Browser

You can add a Biodalliance genome browser using tracks from files uploaded to Synapse or from external sources. Choose between Human or Mouse and adjust your tracks for height and color. See the Biodalliance Setup page for more information.


 Embeds Embeds an JPG, PNG, GIF or SVG. The image can be uploaded, from the web, or from a Synapse file. Note: Images file names that have certain words (ie, ‘ad’) could be blocked if you are using an adblocker.

Join Team Button

Provide a button for people to join Synapse Teams/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/1985446029.



Insert a URL or Synapse ID linked to text.

Provenance Graph

Embeds the provenance graph created for a file.


Create a reference list by linking to papers using the References widget

Simple Plot

Insert a simple bar chart from a File file or Tabletable.

Submit to Evaluation

Create a button for users to submit their entries to a ChallengeSynapse challenge.

Table: Paste tabular data

A table can be created of any data by pasting tab delimited content into this widget window.

Table: Query on a Synapse Table/View

Provides a Query query for any Synapse Table table or View view and displays the information in the Wikiwiki.

Table of Contents

Creates a content list that links to sections of the wiki based on headers and subheaders

Team Badge

Creates a link to the Team profilethe team profile.

Team Member Count

Select a Team team to display the team member count.

Team Members List

Select a Team team to display a table of the team member names, Institutionsinstitutions, and Synapse email addresses.


Tag a user by entering their Synapse username. You can also do this by typing ‘@’ while editing a Wiki wiki and enter the Synapse username or part of their full name in the dialog that appears.


Video, Vimeo Video, and YouTube Video insert a video from various sources.

Widgets in


experimental mode

Some widgets are available only in Experimental Modeexperimental mode, or alpha mode. These widgets are still under development but are available for public use. To access these widgets, navigate to the lower right hand corner of your screen in Synapse, and click Experimental Mode Off. Read the Experimental Mode experimental mode statement and click OK. Navigate back to a wiki page, where a new @ Insert menu option will appear at the top of the Wiki wiki editing window with a list of widgets in development. Use these widgets with caution, as they may change in the future and data created using them could be lost during upgrade.


Important: Wiki pages do not have specific Conditions for Use. Do not put any protected human data (Controlled Data) in Synapse Wikis. See the Synapse Data Use Procedure document for details.





Include Page
DOCS:Article Footer - Need More Help
DOCS:Article Footer - Need More Help