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Synapse is a collaborative research platform where that helps you and your team can share, organize, and discuss your projects. You can access Synapse through a web browser. We also provide access to Synapse features and services for programmers through a REST API, Python clientcommand line client, and R client.Synapse is a technology platform that allows researchers to aggregate, organize, analyze, and share scientific data, code and insights. Synapse is designed to integrate seamlessly with your analytical workflow. Therefore, options to download data are available in the R clientcommand line client and Python clientscientific research.

better, reproducible research

responsible sharing

building community

Whether you are part of a small private team or global consortia, Synapse helps you make connections across datasets, code, and other insights. It is a place where you can pool resources and expertise to build a virtual community around your research.

What can Synapse help you do? Synapse helps scientists in several ways:

  • Building community around data sharing - Synapse hosts many research communities and scientific resources. It is a central place where researchers can come together to share data and collaborate. Data can be annotated and queried in one place, even if it is physically stored in different locations.

  • Making research more reproducible - Most research projects are complex and change over time. Synapse helps you track who performed what parts of an analysis. It also tracks when data was added or changed within a project, and it helps you understand how a dataset or an analysis evolved. These tools help you to publish reproducible work that can be used more easily by others.

  • Benchmarking and challenges: Tackling a complex problem alone can be difficult. Synapse hosts crowdsourced competitions, including DREAM Challenges, where many groups come together to solve important computational problems or to compare analytical approaches.

  • Protecting sensitive data: Synapse is designed to keep sensitive data safe.

Synapse is free for the scientific community through generous support from various funding sources. Anyone can access Synapse on the web at, and we recommend that you register an account to get access to most public data sets. If you are a programmer, you can also access Synapse through a REST APIPython clientR client, or command line client. Accessing Synapse programmatically through one of these clients allows you to seamlessly integrate Synapse with your analytical workflow.

Synapse hosts many research projects and resources. It also hosts crowdsourced competitions, including DREAM ChallengesSage Bionetworks provides Synapse services free of charge to the scientific community through generous support from various funding sources.Synapse is a collaborative research platform dedicated to supporting large-scale pooling of data, knowledge, and expertise across institutional boundaries to solve research problems.

Anyone can access Synapse through a web browser. If you are a programmer, you can also access Synapse through a REST API, Python clientR client, or command line client. Accessing Synapse programmatically through one of these clients allows you to seamlessly integrate Synapse with your analytical workflow.

Synapse helps scientists solve a series variety of problems:

  • Finding and using relevant data - It can be difficult for scientists to find and access data and resources generated by others, even within the same organization. Synapse provides a central registry for scientific data and results, where data can be annotated and queried even if components of a study reside in different systems.

  • Understanding analysis workflows - Synapse is built with the understanding that most analytical research is experimental and ad hoc, with hardened analysis methods only emerging over time. Tracking who has run what version of code on what version of the data immediately helps projects run more smoothly, and ultimately enables reproducible workflows that allow others to build off of prior work.Supporting genomeMost research projects are complex and evolve over time. Synapse helps you track who performed what parts of an analysis. It also tracks when data was added or changed within a project. These tools help you to do reproducible work that can be used more easily by others.

  • Supporting large-scale analysis - Analyzing large datasets is currently limited to those with requires access to significant computational resources and IT support. Synapse facilitates a computational model where code and users can move to the data, wherever it is stored.

  • Forming and maintaining Creating productive collaborations - Most scientists tend to start a their research effort from scratch rather than elaborate on work in an unknown state. Synapse helps scientists track what work has already been done in a particular area and create and sustain active collaborations in which research results are published online as they are generated.

  • challenges/benchmarking

  • governance - data tiers

Sage Bionetworks provides Synapse to the scientific community for free through generous support from various funding sources.