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The folder with then be shared only with the specific teams that the entire project is shared with, and not the general public. Removing local sharing settings on an item will assign default permissions from the parent folder or project.

Triaging Project


Sharing Settings Using Views

Creating local sharing settings for many folders, sub-folders, or other items in Synapse can become complex to manage as a project grows. You or another administrator may alter local sharing settings accidentallyunintentionally, or you may want to audit your sharing settings periodically. One way to manage your project permissions these settings is by creating a view with a scope set to a single project, or across multiple projects, with similar permissions models to see sharing settings at a glance.

An important component to managing permissions sharing settings is the benefactor ID, or benefactorId. This identifier is the unique set of permissions assigned to groups of items in Synapsename of the parent folder or project that sharing settings are inherited from. When you first create a project, the project itself is the “benefactor” of permissionsfor sharing settings, meaning all items within that project inherit the same permissionssettings, and there is only one benefactor ID for everything in the project.

When you create local sharing settings on an item, there are now two benefactors; the a second benefactor ID is created. The project is still providing the permissions sharing settings for most the rest of the content, but wherever you set local sharing settings (for example, a folder) now is on a folder, this folder is now the benefactor for anything inside it. This folder is the new benefactor of permissions for its contents, and everything inside has the same, new benefactor ID.

The benefactor ID is useful because you can create include it in a view of every item in the project and use it to review system metadata, including benefactor IDall permissions at once. This view will help you find items where local sharing settings are active, causing new benefactor IDs to appear. You can use the view to audit your permissions across the project and find, change, or remove local sharing settings. You can . In the example below, the folder name, benefactor ID, and the project ID for three folders are shown in a view.


All of the folders in this view belong to the same project, Demo_Project, and their corresponding project IDs in the third column are the same. In the second column, Folder 1 and Folder 3 are both inheriting their sharing settings from the parent project, Demo_Project. However, Folder 2 has local sharing settings applied that are different from the parent project, and the benefactor ID has changed.

For views with hundreds or thousands of rows, you can also use a SQL-like query to identify items that have different permissions than the parent project. The query below compares the benefactor ID of each item to the project ID and displays any items where the two do not match. If the benefactor IDs are different, then the item has different sharing settings than the rest of project and might be something to check. This example query looks for folders with a different benefactor IDs, as folders are the most common item to have different sharing settings. You can modify the query to look at at files, tables, or all content as wellin your view:

Code Block
SELECT id,parentId,type FROM syn12162270 WHERE type = 'folder' AND  benefactorId <> projectId
