(to edit, go to : https://docs.google.com/a/sagebase.org/drawings/d/1WUtUpzq1vtbv9nd1o3S3Dq_cUbLoDczDFqZBv3Pl3PI/edit)
Say the latest API-stable branch is 0.13.1.
1) git checkout -b 0.13.2
Pull from PLFM master
- on master, 'git checkout -b 0.13.2' to create the new branch
in the client project, pull from master, changing the version to be the version of the local PLFM snapshot (0.13.2-SNAPSHOT)
work to make client and PLFM work together
in PLFM branch, change version to and push
in client master, change version to and push
in PLFM master, merge the branch, change version to 0.13.3-SNAPSHOT and push to remote
n) edit pomVersioner.py so 'newVersion' is 0.14.0; run 'python pomVersioner.py'