(to edit diagram, go to https://docs.google.com/a/sagebase.org/drawings/d/1s2zCr57TOajuuMHnD8xMXWVIWmPDINNE-MTFSMlNx4U/edit)
Development Workflows
Local PLFM changes
If you're working on PLFM and the changes *don't* need to be used immediately by clients, then you may work off of the 'master' branch. Pull from the remote master, create a branch for your work, code and test, then merge back into master and push to github.
Local Client changes
2) If you are just working on a client then you may work off the 'master' branch of the client's project, following the pattern described above. The client will depend on a particular branch of PLFM (not the master branch) having a stable API.
3) the API-stable branch.
Changes to PLFM and Client
If you are making changes to PLFM's API and also are changing a client to reflect these changes, then: